Chapter 72 - Glue, Tonic and... Cake?!

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"That so, huh?!" The second goon roars. "Well this is how WE roll! And don't go thinkin' we came up with that nickname for you. What are you, stupid?"

"You got any idea how much hell you raise? Huh?" The first goon asks.

"I'm... not sure what you're referring to." The girl who always carries flash grenades says, confused for some reason.

"Ha! You really are clueless, huh?" The second goon laughs. "You've no idea what kinda reputation or influence you have. You've got FANS out there trying to imitate YOU!"

"Imitate? Me?" The whitette asks, confused. "Why would anyone want to do that?"

"The same reason every trend takes off these days: It caught on thanks to social media." The first goon explains. "Now there are a bunch of people copying you..."

"Since you're The Flash Grenade of Trinity, all these posers started calling themselves stuff like the 'The Smoke Bomb of Trinity' or 'The Net Trap of Trinity'. It's getting out of hand!" The second shouts. "That's why we're here to cut the head off of the snake and put an end to it. You're the culprit here- not us!"

"If anyone here is guilty, it is certainly not me..." Suzumi says, cringing at the girl's explanation. "Though I'm glad you explained the situation. I don't use social media often, so I was unaware of what's happening. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." She shrugs. "I don't see any problem with the public taking the initiative to uphold what's right. I'd say it's good news." The goons gnash their teeth at her words. "Though the fact of the matter is that it has nothing to do with me. I don't know any of them. However, if you insist on fighting me here..." She threatens, readying her gun. "...,then I'll accept your challenge. Let's get this over with!"

"Eep!" The second goon lets out a frightened sound.

"D-Don't let her rattle you now!" The first says. "Our gang's got thirty members! How can we lose if it's thirty versus one?! We're the Roly Poly Gang! We always recoil!"

"B-But she already beat us eighteen versus one that one time!" The second points out. "Just because the roly poly recoils, it doesn't mean it can't still be squished! The last time she knocked us out with the end of her gun and didn't even have to fire a single bullet..."

"Gaaah!" The first shouts, frustrated. "You don't have to bring up the shame of our past! That's why we recruited twelve more people, isn't it?!"

"So..." Suzumi interjects, catching their attention. "...are we going to fight or not? Should I give you some more time to get ready?"

"Cram it!" The second goon shouts. "Stop tryin' to act all considerate. This ends here, Running Flash Grenade of Trinity!"

"S-Sensei...!" Hinata shouts to me quietly.

"Yeah. Let's back her up." I say, pulling out my assault rifle from the Shittim Chest.

"O-Okay!" The sister says.

"You flank left, I'll take right." I say as we break apart.

Suzumi is being pinned down by the large number of goons, but as I reach a good vantage point, on a small hill, I fire at some of the goons.

"What the hell?!" One of them shouts, rubbing their forehead in pain from where my bullet struck. The goons realize something is wrong when she shouts in pain, before falling over after being struck by multiple bullets.

As they all look at me, I stand up from my cover and wave to Suzumi, whose red eyes widen in surprise upon recognizing me.

"Who the heck is that?!" One goon shouts, before being struck in the back by Hinata's pistol, causing them to stagger.

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