"I mean, it'd look good, but the black... I just think it'd look better." he said, biting his lip afterwards. I furrowed my eyebrows at him before picking up a black lace bra in my size and going to find a matching bottom. After I found it, I got in line with Justin standing next to me. He tried to take the bag out of my hands but I stopped him.

"Wait, let me get my stuff."

"No, I'll just pay for it all." he said. I gave him a weird look for probably the tenth time today. He's been acting so strange today, but I just couldn't put my finger on why. Normally I could read him, but today I was clueless. I just know he's being extremely nice, not like he isn't always nice, but today it's on another level. I mean, offering to buy me panties? It's weird.

I chose not to protest and just let him take the bag because, one, Victoria's Secret bras are expensive. He's a whole song writer, it wouldn't break him and, two, he most likely wouldn't let me pay anyway. It's just not worth the trouble or the decrease in my bank account.

After he paid, we left the store and just walked around the mall for a while. He didn't go into any of his favorite stores, he only went where I wanted to go. He kept offering to buy me whatever I stared at for more than two seconds, but I wouldn't let him. I mean, it's his anniversary. How would Jayde feel if she knew he was in the mall buying another woman all this stuff? Even if I am his best friend, it's a little weird.. and suspect.

"Okay, what's up with you today? Why are you buying me all these things and doing whatever I want?" I asked him. Now we were leaving the mall and I was munching on a pretzel that I let him buy because I'm weak when it comes to food, okay? I'll admit it.

"What are you talking about?" he asked as we reached his car. We both got in and he placed the bag between my feet before putting his seatbelt on.

"I'm talking about you being overly nice to me. Taking me out, buying me ice cream and bras and pretzels?! Something is up." I told him, putting my seatbelt on as he drove off. He laughed before he responded to me, the smile never leaving his face.

"Nothing is up, y/n, I'm just being a good friend like always. Is that a problem?" he asked. I squinted my eyes as I watched the side of his face while he drove. I just know something is going on, there's no way he can tell me there isn't.

"I'm gonna find out, Justin. Don't worry about it." I told him. He laughed again as if I was some clown. He needs to stop playing with me before he's missing a limb on his anniversary night.

"Whatever you say, y/n." he said. Those was the last words he spoke during our car ride. At least, I think it was. I let my mind drift off to random places as I ate my pretzel so if he did say anything I didn't hear him. Even after my pretzel was gone and I was staring out of the window, I wasn't paying attention to him, the radio, or my surroundings. I was thinking about a bunch of nothing yet everything at the same time. I didn't snap out of this trance-like state until the car stopped and I realized we were at his house.

"Um... why are we here?" I asked, looking at Justin.

"Uh, I have to do something." he replied. I noticed he took the keys out of the ignition, meaning he expected me to go in with him.

"You couldn't do whatever it is after you dropped me off?" I asked him.

"I'll drop you off when we're-I'm done. Just come on... and bring the bag." He got out of the car and I followed, sucking my teeth in the process. He unlocked his front door and led me through his house, all the way upstairs and into his bedroom where Jayde was. I moved the bag behind my legs to try to hide it.

"Hey, babe. Happy Anniversary." Justin said, he went to the side of the bed and gave her a kiss.

"Happy Anniversary, baby." she said. Once she noticed I was in the room, she looked at me with a big smile on her face before she got up. "Hi, y/n!" she said in her cute british accent, full of excitement before walking to me and giving me a big hug. It confused me a little but I guessed that she was just happy overall because of what day it is.

"So you did it? You made it happen?" Jayde asked, turning her attention to Justin.

"Well, I got her here." he replied. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the two of them.

"Hold up. Am I missing something here?" I asked them. They hesitated before speaking.

"Look, y/n, I wanted this anniversary to be special. We've been together for five years so I wanted to do something that I've been thinking about a lot." Jayde told me. I still wasn't understanding what that had to do with me and why I had to be here.

"Okay... and what is that?" I asked, still looking at the both of them.

"A threesome." Justin said, sitting on the bed with a smirk on his face. I blinked and looked from him to Jayde, who looked at like she was waiting for me to say something. I blinked a few more times before I fully put two and two together and realized what they wanted.

"So... wait. Wait a minute. Are you guys asking me what I think you're asking me?" I asked them. They just looked at me then Justin nodded, biting his lip to hold in a smile that peeked through anyway. "Oh hell no!"

"Wait. Please, y/n? Please? We picked you because we trust you. I trust you and, honestly, you're sexy as hell. We didn't even consider anyone else." Jayde said. I kept thinking about all the stuff that happened today. All of the weird looks and things that Justin did today. Buying me ice cream and pretzels knowing how happy they make me. He was buttering me up so I'd agree to this.

"I... I don't know, guys. This is really weird." I replied.

"It's our anniversary, y/n. Don't you want us to be happy?" Jayde asked.

"Yeah, but... that doesn't mean I want to have sex with y'all. Like, what happens after this? Do I just become some sex slave for y'all?"

"Hopefully." Justin mumbled. I cut my eyes at him. He doesn't need to agree to anything involving slavery around me, especially not right now.

"I know it's kinda weird, y/n, but think about it. Think about how much fun we could have... You always deny it but I know you're attracted to Justin. Who isn't? Plus... we.. could have fun... with each other." Jayde grabbed my hands that were still holding the bag behind me and took the bag, dropping it on the floor. She took both my hands in hers as I eyed her, wondering what she was about to do. She brought my hands up to her chest and made me squeeze her breasts. It shocked me although it shouldn't have since they were asking me to do way more with them.

"Look, I- oh my gosh, they're so soft!" I exclaimed. Now Jayde's hands weren't guiding my movements. I had took over and started massaging her chest myself without even thinking about it just because they felt so nice.

"Right?! They're like pillows." Justin added. I kept moving my hands for a few more seconds until Jayde softly moaned and I realized what was going on. I snatched my hands back and looked from her to Justin without speaking. Justin stood up and walked to us, moving in front of Jayde, which meant he was directly in front of me.

"We'll do whatever you want us to, okay? Nothing more and nothing less. You make the rules and we obey them... I'll make sure myself that it's better than you could have ever imagined." he said in a low voice, biting his lips afterwards. He placed his hands on my waist and looked straight into my eyes. It's like he was begging me to say yes without saying anything at all.

His hands moved gently under my shirt, the coolness of his hands making contact with the warm skin on my sides. His hands didn't go any further up, even though a very tiny part of me wanted them too. Instead he pulled me into him, hard enough to surprise me but soft enough to make my body want more. I opened my mouth to speak, but I honestly couldn't. Not until I glanced at Jayde, anyway. As soon as I saw her eyes staring at me, at us, in this position I felt weird. Like I was doing something wrong when I wasn't doing anything at all.

"I'm sorry. I just can't." I moved back from Justin and he dropped his hands from my waist. "Happy Anniversary, guys." I told them. I turned around and walked out of their bedroom before leaving their house completely. I called an uber so I could get home because it was too weird to be around Justin after what just happened. Just thinking about the fact that my best friend and his wife discussed having sex with me freaked me out. I didn't know how I was going to face either of them after this.


wattpad deleted my imagine so i had to post it again. at this point i'm tired of their sh**

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