Mercy Mercy Me - Marvin Gaye

Start from the beginning

"This one." Eddie said as Oceans started to play. August listened closely to the lyrics. It was a very beautiful song.

"San Diego, you were writing in that notebook." She said after the song ended.

"Atta girl." He smiled. She climbed over on top of him.

"I love youuuu." She said and then kissed him.

"I love you too baby." He said with his hands on her waist. He then sat up leaning up against the couch. He maneuvered her onto his lap. He then leaned in to kiss her strongly. After a few moments he deepened the kiss by using his tongue. August's hand went into his hair.

"Oh shit sorry." They heard and turned to see Mike and Stone at the door. August was in complete horror. Her jaw dropped open and her whole face quickly turned red. She then hid her head in her hands.

"Hold on." He said putting her on the couch. He then went to see what Stone and Mike wanted shutting the door behind him. They both were laughing.

"You were inhaling that poor girl." Mike said and Stone just continued to laugh.

"You're just jealous." Eddie said and that made Stone laugh more.

"We just wanted to let you know ten is sold out at every store in town." Stone said while he continued to giggle.

"Wait, what?" Eddie said furrowing his eyebrows. They both nodded aggressively. Eddie had an almost panicked look on his face. He couldn't believe it.

"We can let you August get back to that now, just thought we should let you know." Mike said.

"Wait where's Fluff?" Stone asked.

"On the bed." Eddie said.

"Can we?" Eddie sighed and open the door for them. The both ran into the apartment to pet Fluff. They pet her for about 5 minutes before giving August and Eddie their space. August was on the couch with her head on the cushion. Eddie sat down next to her coping the pose she was doing. He reached in front and rubbed her cheek.

"I'm mortified." She pouted.

"It could've been worse." Eddie shrugged.

"Yeah, that's true." She said and fell into his lap. "Let's just learn to lock the doors." Eddie laughed and played with her hair.

"I should start getting ready for this party." She groaned. Eddie kissed her before she got up. She walked into her bedroom finding her pearl jam shirt she had just gotten and then found a black leather skirt. She forgot she even had that, it was probably from high school.

"Is this too much?" She asked Eddie who was in the living room. Eddie looked at his stunning girlfriend and shook his head. He stood up the grabbed her hand twirling her. She giggled at him and then kissed him on thr lips. "I'll be ready in 20 minutes." She said. Eddie smiled at her while he went and changed.

After August did her makeup and Eddie got changed they headed downtown to the place their party was being thrown.

Eddie was immediately swooped away so August went over and found Chris.

"Hey, this is August." Chris said introducing her. "August, this is Kelly Curtis Pearl Jam's manager."

"Nice to meet you." He said shaking her hand.

"You too." She smiled.

"Did Adam ever get back to you about that job?" Chris asked.

"No, it's been 3 weeks i've given up." She joked.

"What was the job for?" Kelly asked.

"On the road assistant for them." She pointed to Chris.

"Hell, I could give you that job." She laughed. "I'm being serious, I'm the only one working for them right now."

"You pay me to be an assistant?" She asked confused.

"Not their assistant, mine. You'll just help me get them in line and stuff. It will be a more than easy job." August stood there shook.

"You just made her year." Chris said.

"You'll take the job?"

"Yes, yes I will." She has the biggest smile on her face.

"I'll have you start September 2nd which is the day before we leave for tour." He said going over details and she nodded.

"Thanks you so much." She said hugging him.

"Thank you, you are about to make my life so much easier." Kelly admitted. She then went off to find Eddie. He was over by the bar sipping down on a beer.

"Hey," He said as she stood next to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"I just got a job." She said leisurely.

"What job?" He asked confused.

"Oh nothing big, just Kelly's on the road assistant." She said then looked up at Eddie smirking.

"Wait," He said moving his body to look at her. "You get to come on tour with us?" She nodded and before she could say anything Eddie picked her up wrapping his arms around her so tightly. "You're so amazing." He said placing her back on the ground. She smiled and him while he continued to study her face.

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