Gold Dust Woman - Fleetwood Mac

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It had been 3 weeks since their trip to San Diego. It was the day of their third show, and the first Temple of the Dog show. Eddie was still not very comfortable with performing just yet. They had gotten an offer to play with Alice in Chains in January for a few shows. Then they are gone most of february.

Eddie reached out to his mom and was going to Chicago for Christmas to see her and his brothers. August was going back home and seeing her mom for the holiday. Then they were coming back to Seattle for the new year before Eddie has to leave.

August was trying to find Eddie before the show but he was MIA so she decided to go over to Jeff's house. Maybe he wasn't picking up his phone.

"Hey." Stone said as August walked into the house.

"Hey, is Eddie here?" She asked him.

"No," He said turning around.

"Do you know where he is?" She asked walking up to him.

"No." He said, snappy.

"Oh okay, I'll leave then." She said backing away.

"August." She stopped as he turned around. "What the hell happened."

"I don't think I know what you mean." She said confused.

"August, you were my best friend. Then something happened and we haven't talked like we used to in months. I miss you." He said walking closer to her.

"I know, I miss you too." August frowned.

"We were inseparable, August and Stone." She looked at her feet. "I'm sorry, this is probably my fault too. I haven't reached out as much as I used to."

"No, Stone it's mine. I've only really hung out with Eddie since he moved here. It's my fault." She shrugged. "I'm sorry." He moved closer to her, maybe only a few inches away.

"You have to know, August." He said.

"I'm confused." She laughed.

"August," He smirked at her. "I'm in love with you."

"Stone, I'm sorry but I can't." She said looking into his eyes.

"I know just... I know." He said picking up her chin with his finger. "Just let me..." He tried leaning in to kiss her.

"Stone, I cant I'm with-" She was cute off by him.

"Eddie!" Stone turned his head to the door seeing that Eddie had just walked in. August jumped back from Stone.

"Hey," He said. "Hey, babe." He said smiling at August. She smiled at him.

"I was looking for you." She said and he walked up hugging her.

"Sorry, I went to see Chris." He said rubbing her back.

"It's alright, I'll get going then." She said pulling back from him.

"Oh okay, are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, Fluff has a vet appointment anyways." She smiled. "Bye, Bye stone." She said.

"I'll walk you out." Eddie said placing his hand on her back.

"When do I need to be at the Moore tonight?" She asked him.

"We go on at 8." She nodded going to her car.

"I'll be there before then." She said.

"Okay, Ill see you." He said kissing her.

"Bye." She said kissing his cheek. He then headed back inside and she left the house.

"How are you and August doing?" Stone asked.

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