The Waiting - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Start from the beginning

"How so?"

"Well, Eddie is my partner and they're all my best friends." She said writing down her phone number and giving it to the receptionist.

"Lucky guy, I presume." He said. "I won't keep you here longer. We will be in touch." He said.

"Thank you again!" August said before practically running out the door to her car. She was so close to seeing Eddie she couldn't handle it. There was a slim chance she could see them before they went on. She went through the side doors like Eddie had told her to do the night before over the phone. She ran backstage and she saw the back of Eddie's head.

"Eddie!" She shouted. Instead of paying attention to the terrain she was paying attention to Eddie's back and she tripped on a stair. Not only did she eat shit but she missed Eddie too.

"Fuck." She said standing up. She turned around to see Chris behind her holding two beers trying to contain his laughter. "Did you see all of that?" She asked him and he nodded.

"I'm so sorry for laughing." He said through laughs.

"That was so embarrassing." She said covering her eyes with her hand.

"Oh, you're bleeding too. Hold on." He said putting the beers down and running off to the bathroom. He came back with a wipe and toilet paper to hold to her cut open chin.

"Do you need ice?" Chris asked after finding a first aid kid and holding gauze to her chin.

"No, I'm fine. Really." She said.

"Okay... but you're going to the hospital after this." He said shaking his head. "You're like a crazy lovestruck teenager." She just smiled at him.

"Can you hold my chin at side stage maybe?" She asked and he stood up bringing her over there. She smiled at the sight of seeing more than Eddie's back. He looked so free moving and happy on stage.

"It's good to be back in Seattle." He said quietly into the mic after a song. "I've grown to love Seattle." The crowd cheered. "It's not because of you." He said jokingly to the crowd. "Anyways, I'm glad to be back here and see my girlfriend and your faces. This is called porch." They launched right into it and of course it was fantastic.

"We'll be right back." Eddie said into the mic.

"Here comes your man." Chris said taking the gauze of her chin. Eddie's eyes lit once he saw August standing there. She just grinned at him. He ran up to her, practically crashing into her. He had one arm around her core and the other on the back of her neck.

"Look at these two." Jeff said while Stone took a picture of them. They must have hugged each other for over a minute. They both couldn't believe they were back with each other. August pulled back and looked at him.

"Hey." She said with a smile breaking through her face. He grabbed each side of her face kissing her hungrily.

"I have to go back on but I'll be back in 10 minutes. She nodded while he was still holding her face. "What'd you do to your chin?" He asked concerned.

"I tripped coming in here." She admitted.

"Aw, you okay?" He asked looking at how deep it was.

"I'm fine, now go back out there." She shooed him away. They played breath and alive which she had heard before. He then ran off the stage again scooping her up. She giggled at him while he spun her around. He placed her back on the ground so he could kiss her. 

"I missed you." She said rubbing his cheek with her thumb.

"I missed you too, love." He said but then took a close look at her chin. "August, baby this is deep."

"It's fine." She said while he kept looking at it. "Chris cleaned it and held gauze to my chin for the past hour." She shrugged.

"I'm gonna take you to the hospital. I just want to play it safe." She tried to argue but he cut her off. "It will take twenty minutes, quick get you stitches and we can come right back here."

"Fineeeee." She said and he smiled at her.

"Hey man, August tore her chin open. We are gonna run to the emergency room real quick." Jeff nodded and Eddie grabbed Augusts hand guiding her out to his truck.

While he was driving he would stop and look over at her chin.

"Eddie it's fine." She said.

"I'm just concerned." He said pulling into the parking lot. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her on the top of her head.

They were immediately ushered into a room and August had to sit in a chair while they waited for a doctor.

"August?" A doctor came in and she nodded. "So this will be quick and easy but I won't lie it's gonna sting quite a bit." She nodded. "Are you the boyfriend?" He asked Eddie.

"Yes." He said sitting up.

"You might want to hold her hand." He said before putting on gloves and getting out the suture kit. Eddie grabbed her hand and kissed it before letting it relax. As the needle went through her skin she hissed in pain. Eddie cringed at the sound and pouted, feeling bad for her. She gripped onto his hand harder and harder each time the needle went through her skin. He had a hard time watching her face as he knew she was in pain.

"That should be it." The doctors said. "They will fall out on their own and hopefully no scar will be left."

"Thank you." August said with a tear slipping down her cheek. The doctor left her room and she stood with Eddie helping her up. He kisses her cheek that the tear had just ran down.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I just have a super low pain tolerance." She said wiping another tear. He studied her face for a moment.

"Do I look hot with my stitches?" She asked jokingly.

"I mean... they're pink that's kinda cool." He said walking her out of the hospital.

"So, you're telling me you've been gone for 2 months and when we get home you won't want to make love to me because of my stitches?" She asked jokingly.

"Woah woah woah, I never said that." He said defensively opening the car door for August. "I'd make love to you right here." He said starting the car.

"Let's maybe not in the hospital parking lot. I'm not that type of person." She said as his hand went back to her thigh.

"I forgot you had class." He said and she laughed.

They walked back into the backstage room with August's battle scar and all.

"Wow looky that, pink stitches!" Chris said grabbing her chin.

"Hey be careful." She said while everyone looked at her chin. Everyone walked away after examining and Eddie and August sat on the couch. Eddie drew August into him with her legs across his lap.

"You look really pretty tonight, I didn't say that earlier I apologize." He whispered.

"Thank you." She said while he yawned. "Is that your way of telling me you want to go home."

"Am I that predictable?" He joked.

"Guess so." She said before he pecked her on the forehead. "I think we're gonna head out." August announced to the room.

"Us too, we are all exhausted." Mike said.

"I bet, love you guys see you tomorrow maybe." August said. Eddie waved to the room. August headed out he room and Stone winked at him thrusting his hips forwards.

"Fuck you!" Eddie said and chased after August.

They drove back over to Augusts house and as soon as the door was shut their lips were on each others. Eddie's hands when under the skirt of her dress pulling it over her head and they both kicked their shoes off. He looked at August and picked her up by the waist and she wrapped her legs around him.

"I missed you." He said in between kisses.

"Miss me no more." She said as they went onto the bed.

"I just love you Augustine. I'm gonna marry you one day."

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