Chapter thirty five: twisted family

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five years later~

Quinn's POV:

I accepted that I would never escape Ariana a long time ago. There was nowhere to go to anyway. The only thing that I could do, was trying to raise my son in a good way, so he wouldn't become like her. I used to be terrified of giving birth to him but even though it was painful, it still was nothing compared to the pain Ariana gave me. Especially because she couldn't keep her hands to herself.

As soon as the sensitive phase of my pregnancy was over, she instanly attacked me with a lot of sexual things. It was horrible because she never seemed to be satisfide. Ariana constanly wanted more children and first I was against it because I didn't want her to ruin even more children but when her love became too much for me, I gave in since I could get a break for a few months.

I used my time without Ariana to raise my son in a gentle way and I tried to teach him about real love, not the love Ariana knew. My son was actually a very sensitive child. He probably didn't have a lot of Ariana's personality but what he had from her was her musical talent. He just turned five and he already practiced piano. Sometimes he even played unknown melodies. He loved to play for me and I loved to listen to him.

It helped me to escape this hell for a few minutes. It was clear to me that he rather spent time with me than Ariana since he was very gentle and sensitive. Ariana even scared him sometimes. But of course Ariana wasn't happy with him. She wanted him to be just like her and he ended up to be more like me, which was why she wanted a second child so soon and now I was pregnant again.

I truly hoped that the second child would be like the first one... I couldn't bare to see my own child turning into a monster like Ariana. I was currently reading a book until my son ran into the living room with tears in his eyes. "Mommy, please help me!!", he cried out and ran into my arms. I holded him tight and kissed his head. "What happened sweetheart?", I asked while he sobbed.

"Mother and I trained again this morning and I told her that I didn't want to do that anymore. She got very angry and slapped me...", he said and my eyes widened in shock. "I didn't know you trained. What kind of training was that?", I asked. "She wants to train me on how I'm supposed to protect my lover. I have a long black thing in my hand and I have to point it towards animals in the forest. They always stop moving after I hit them. I don't want to hurt animals anymore... I don't want to hurt anyone. If I have to hurt everyone to be with my lover, then I don't want to have a lover.", he sobbed out and my body filled with anger.

Ariana teached a five year old how to use a gun and even slapped him, when he didn't want to do it anymore. I kissed his head again and caressed his cheek. "Sweety, I will talk to mother. You won't have to do this again, I promise. Believe me, your mother is wrong with hurting people. Love means putting someone else's needs before your own. Hurting people to be with your lover isn't love, it's obsession and will only harm your lover. Alright?", I said and he nodded while he wiped his tears away.

"I would never harm my lover.", he said. "And that's why you have to respect your lover's feelings instead of being violent.", I said and he hugged me again. "You're right mommy. When I find my lover, I will come to you first. I don't like what mother says.", he said and I nodded. "That's great sweety. Why don't you go and practice piano with uncle Frankie while I talk to mother?", I said and he happily nodded.

"I will! Will you come and listen to what I learned later?", he asked very excited and I giggled. "Of course. You know I love doing that and your future sister will as well.", I said and pointed at my stomach. "As soon as my sister is there, I will teach her how to play the piano, so we can play together.", he cheered before he ran out of the room to find Frankie.

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