Chapter twenty six: coma

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Ariana's POV:

I couldn't believe what just happened. It was killing me inside and my vision was blurr from all the tears in my eyes while the nurses rolled Quinn to the surgery with me putting my hand on her wound to stop the bleeding. "Quinn you will get through this! You have to! Don't leave me alone!", I sobbed while she could barely keep her eyes open. We finally reached the floor of the surgery room and they quickly opened the door, to roll Quinn inside and when I wanted to follow, a nurse stopped me.

"I'm sorry Miss but you can't come in.", she said and locked the door right infront of my eyes. I sighed very frustrated and sat down on a chair infront of the room. I digged my nails into my bloody hands while I stared on the floor. Quinn had to survive. I couldn't live without her. Her bitch of a sister would pay for it.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I noticed familiar voices yelling at me. "Ariana please let us through!", Illian yelled while he tried to get through my bodyguards, which were standing on the end of the floor. "Let us through! We want to be close to Quinn too!", Mary yelled and her voice made my blood boil.

"Fuck off you bitch! This is all your fault! You will never be close to Quinn again!", I yelled back at her and her face darkened. "Don't forget that the police is still after you! They only let you go because of what happened to Quinn. They will get you as soon as you leave the hospital and then Quinn will finally be free while you rot in a cell!", she spat out and my hands started to shake out of anger.

"If she even survives! You were the one, who shot her and for that you deserve to go to jail even more than me!", I hissed and her face suddenly got pale. "Just let us through Ariana.", Illian demanded. "No! The only one, who is allowed to see Quinn is me! You will never have anything to do with her again. My bodyguards will never let you through so just fuck off!", I yelled at them and they continued to protest but I ignored them.

I had to do something though... If the police really wanted to arrest me, then I had to come up with something that proofs my innocence. I didn't want to be locked in a cell, if Quinn survives. I was supposed to marry her. I quickly took my phone out and called the only person, who would always help me regardless of what I did. My Mom.

Mary's POV:

After a while of yelling and begging to let us through, we decided to give up. Ariana would never let us near Quinn and we had no chance against her bodyguards. We silently walked away and I broke down crying in the middle of the way. Roger instanly catched me and hold me close to him. "This is all my fault... Quinn is close to dying because of me...", I sobbed out while he ran bis hands through my hair.

The guilt was killing me inside and it was clear that no one disagreed with me. Illian couldn't even look at me anymore despite of knowing I didn't do it on purpose. "You didn't mean to. You just couldn't control your emotions.", Roger tried to comfort me but nothing he said could ever make me feel better.

"I hurt my baby sister Roger... I can never forgive myself for that.", I sobbed out while he put his arm around my waist to walk me to the car. "Quinn will survive. I know she will. She is stronger than we think.", he said and I continued to cry into his chest. "Will Ariana pay for her crimes?", Illian suddenly asked Frankie and he shook his shoulders.

"The police is ready to arrest her as soon as she gets out of the hospital but she might try to do something to stop them. She isn't stupid but she definetely is powerful.", he explained and Illian sighed. "I just hope the law wins.", he said and Frankie looked down. "The law can always be rigged. The system isn't known to be fair. We have to prepare ourselves for a hard battle.", Frankie said and we all got silent.

Ariana would do everything to keep Quinn with her... We could only hope that justice would be served.

Ariana's POV:

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