Chapter eight: threats

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Quinn's POV:

Letters. Every month I received a letter from Ari. My parents didn't know they were from her since Mary and I tried to hide them everytime. Mary even said that I should stop reading them because she thought it would only hurt me more but my curiousity always won.

My dear Quinn,

the weather in New York is amazing but the college is terrible. The teachers are very strict and constanly tell me how I have to live my life but I promise that I won't let them manipulate me. Unfortunately there are no phones allowed so we have to stick to letters. I miss you so much so I hope you write me back soon.

Love Ari

The first few ones were always very sweet and I almost cried when I read them. I felt so sorry for Ari... I thought my options in life were limited but hers were even more. I knew she actually wanted to be a singer and write her own songs so it must hurt to not even have a chance to do that and go to a college, where they even tried to change your whole personality. But even though she tried stop them to manipulate her, the letters still became different as time went by.

My dear Quinn,

even though I hate it when they tell me how to live my life, I still have to admit that sometimes they give me very good advice. They teach me how ruthless I have to be to get what I want since I need to know how to make sure my company stays successful. Maybe I can use it to finally get out of here. So please be patient. I will be with you soon.

Love Ari

When I showed Mary the letter, she had a concerned expression on her face. "I think by trying to stop her obsessive behaviour, they only encourage her even more.", she said and I sighed. I had no idea how much Ari changed but I knew that she became dangerous. It always was difficult with her but this college made her even more problematic. While the first letters made me feel pity for her, the latest ones made me feel scared of her.

My dear Quinn,

I feel stronger than ever now. I hate this college but they helped me to become more confident. I promise when we see each other again, nothing will stop me from being with you. I know so well what I have to do to get what I want that they thought I was insane and wanted to send me into therapy but not with me. No one tells me what to do because it's the other way around. Soon we will see each other Quinn and then you will see how intimidating I am to everyone, who tries to come between us.

Love Ari

But the day never came. I already was at a college for journalism in Florida since that was the only more creative job, my parents allowed me to do and Ari never came back from New York. I guess her father still had power over her even though she would never admit it. But I was glad that I didn't saw her again. It would only cause problems with my parents and right now I had a good releationship with them. I didn't want to ruin it again.

But I also had to admit that sometimes when I listened to lectures in my college, I imagined that Ari was with me. One part of me missed her and the other part of me was terrified of her. I had no idea what kind of person she was right now but I knew for sure that she could scare people. "Quinn, Illian is looking at you again.", Sophie whispered to me during the lecture and interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Tell me something new.", I replied and rolled my eyes. Illian Waters, the son of a powerful owner of a journalism company. It was the rival company of Mister Grande but since Illian could go to the college here in Florida, I guess his family gave him way more freedom than Ari's. But the result also was that basically everyone was trying to befriend him in order to gain something out of it and most girls even tried to date him but he never showed interest in them.

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