Chapter fifteen: love and hate

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Quinn's POV:

During the whole day I could only think about what happened with Ari... She seemed like she really meant it when she apologized but at the same time I couldn't believe that she was truly out of control. It seemed more like she thought she was right and only apologized because I was about to leave her. I never had a relationship with anyone beside her so I didn't know, if our relationship was normal or not. I truly felt special when she was with me but I never felt safe and protected with her...

Everyone I knew told me that she wasn't good for me and I understood why but I also couldn't change my feelings. I did love her but at the same time I feared her. I had to break up with her when she would cause even more harm, even though it hurt me. But today, I would stop thinking about that matter and celebrate my mother's birthday.

Only me, Mary and Roger were there because she was too weak to make something big but I was very disappointed that my father still wasn't able to return from England. His work was terrible and I already promised to myself that I would never marry someone, who would be constanly gone for months.

My mother insisted to cook something for us even though we told her not to but at least she allowed Roger to help her. "You are truly talented Misses Evans.", Roger told her and she chuckled. "Roger darling, you can call me Pamela.", she said and they continued to prepare dinner. Mary and I watched them very amused but my smile dropped at the same time.

Everything was easy with Roger. My mother liked him and he never had such crazy outbursts like Ari. I truly wished that I could have it as easy as Mary and I hated it that my relationship was so complicated. Mary noticed my expression and pulled me to the side so she could talk to me in private.

"I know I told you that I would support you, but all I see since the day you got back together with Ariana is that you suffer. This girl only causes harm and you know that. You should end things with her before it's too late.", Mary said and I looked down very unsure. I knew she was right but it wasn't easy... I still felt something for her and there were still times, where I was happy with her. "Maybe we just have to work on our issues.", I told her and she raised her eyebrow.

"Quinny, this girl is freaking nuts. She already did change but not for the better. She isn't your friend from high school anymore and you should finally let go of her.", she explained and I bit my lip before our talk got interrupted by Roger telling us that dinner was ready. We immediately joined them at the table and it was hard for me to talk to my mother.

She asked me a lot of questions about Illian again and I truly couldn't stand to listen to her praising him any longer. I liked him as a friend but I didn't want my mother to already plan a wedding in her head. I was relieved when dinner was finally over and I was able to be alone in my room. Roger would spend the night here and I hoped him and Mary would be quiet tonight. All I wanted was peace so I could fall asleep since I wasn't able to last night.

But a few seconds after I closed my eyes, my phone started ringing. I sighed very annoyed and I gasped when I saw that Ari was calling me. I really didn't want to talk to her so soon but I also knew that I would only make it worse by not picking up. "Hello?", I said and I could hear relief in her voice. "Oh princess, I almost thought you wouldn't pick up! Listen, I wasn't able to sleep last night because I couldn't stop telling myself how terrible I was to you and I wanted to show you how sorry I am.", she explained and my heart was melting. This apology felt way more genuine even though it was just on the phone.

"Thank you for your apology. Together we will learn to control your anger.", I told her while I looked at the old ring she gave me. I took it out of my closet and laid it down on my table but I was unsure about wearing it again. "Yes princess. I want us to always be together and I failed to show you that but that will change today. Look out of your window.", she said and I did what she told me even though I was confused about it.

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