Chapter one: Big bad wolf

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A/N: This story isn't edited. So grammer police, please don't annoy me. I'm generous enough to let you keep the mistakes you found :)

Ariana's POV:

I watched the cheerleaders perform on my school's football game just so I could see my beautiful friend dance. I actually didn't like football but seeing Quinn dance in that cute mini skirt was worth it. Since the day I met her, I knew she was special. She always was so supportive and sweet to me when it came to my music while everyone else on this school was making fun of it.

She was like a sweet, little angel and I couldn't help to fall in love with her. I always knew I liked girls more than boys but I still was very unsure. It all ended when I fell for her. I realized that a beautiful, kind person, who was so sweet to me was very hard to find that I just had to decide to make her mine.

But there was just one problem. My rich and respected family didn't want me to date a girl. Well, actually just my father. My mother always supported me and told me that it was alright. She also accepted my brother, who was gay as well while my father was about to kick him out. But in the end he decided to keep him because of my mother, he just wouldn't support him financially anymore and he wasn't allowed to represent our family anymore.

He also always ruined his realeationship with other boys and that was what scared me the most. I didn't want him to ruin my releationship with Quinn. I needed her. When I was away from her for too long, I always became nuts. But in the end I actually didn't have to worry about it because she was just my best friend, who didn't seem to have any romantical interest in me.

Sometimes I was unsure about it because she looked at me as if I was the most precious thing in the world but nothing ever happened. She also never seemed to even consider to love a girl... Maybe because both of her parents were homophobic jerks, who wanted to have the perfect daughter. She always told me how much pressure she gets from her parents.

They always expected her to have the best grades, be popular in school and of course to have friends, who are a good influence on her. They probably also wanted her to marry a successful man in the future and to have some kids even though I wanted to have a future with her... But I also knew what her parents do to her, when she didn't fit into the role they gave her.

She had bruises all over her arm just because she didn't become the head cheerleader... I got so angry that I wanted to beat up her parents so hard but she stopped me. Only she could help me calm down from my anger... It was just like I said, I needed her.

While I was distracted from my thoughts, I realized that the performance was already over and I cheered as loud as I could to make sure that Quinn noticed me. I saw that she gave me warm smile and my heart immediately melt. I couldn't help myself... I had to hug her right now!

So I quickly left my seat to follow the girls into their dressing room. All of them were taking a sip of water and returned to the field to watch the game. I was searching very impatient for my beloved Quinn and I finally found the cute, blonde ponytail, I would recognize everywhere.

I quietly sneaked up behind her and put my arms around her. She flinched and playfully punched my arm. She hated it when I tried to scare her like this and wanted to get out of my hold but I didn't let her. "You were amazing.", I told her and rested my head on her shoulder. "I'm not half as amazing with dancing as you with your singing.", she told me with her angelic voice and my heart made a huge jump.

I loved compliments from her the most. "Don't say that. If I was a pop star, then you would be my number one dancer.", I told her and she turned around while I still had my arms around her and looked at me with her crystal, blue eyes, in which I always lost myself in. "You know my parents don't want me to be a dancer because it's not a safe job.", she told me and I rolled my eyes. Her parents again... They were always in the way!

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