Chapter twelve: a chance

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Quinn's POV:

I didn't want to get out of my bed. I was tired of dealing with all my issues. All I wanted was a peaceful life without any worries. But no matter what I did, one side would always come after me. If I gave Ariana another chance, my parents would kill me but if I didn't, Ariana would still chase after me and I didn't know how long I would be able to resist her. She was intimidating but at the same time romantic and that always made my heart melt.

"Quinny...", I heard Mary say with a worried tone while she walked into my room and sat down on my bed. "Please come out today. You can't stay in bed forever. Come on, let's eat some pancakes together.", she begged me but I just turned away from her. I knew she meant well and I felt terrible to behave like this towards her but I just couldn't deal with the Ariana situation. "I can't Mary...", I just whimmered out and she put her arms around me to hug me.

"Why does Ariana still concern you? You don't work for her anymore. You don't have to see her anymore.", she tried to comfort me while she kissed my forehead and I sighed. "That's the point. I don't know if I'm scared that she would still chase after me or if I miss her...", I confessed and her eyes widened in shock. "How can you miss her? She is crazy and not good for you or your life.", she told me and I rubbed my hands over my head.

"I know! But I can't help it! I still feel something when she touches me or says sweet words to me... She is crazy but she never did something to hurt me...", I explained to her and she raised her eyebrow. "Well she lied to you...", she said and I sighed. Yes she lied to me and that was the first time, she truly broke my heart. She always was hard to handle but I loved her anyway but when she actually lied, I couldn't cope with her anymore. I should be glad that I had a reason to not like her anymore because it would make everything easier but my heart still was broken.

The moment she lied, I actually realized that I always tried to deny my feelings because of everything around me. I did love her even though she was intimidating and now I had to get over her. I promised myself to not love her by not wearing the ring but in the end, I still had it somewhere in my room instead of really throwing it away but I would do it as soon as I was over her.

But my thoughts were interrupted from my mother coming into my room as well. I didn't see her much lately because she was ill and constanly on bed rest. "Quinny, look what just came in for you!", she cheered very excited and had a very expensive looking basket in her hand. She used to be mad at me for quitting the internship but now she suddenly was friendly again? Usually it took her longer to forgive my failures. She gave me the basket and looked at me with wide eyes while Mary and I were looking at the basket very confused.

"I'm sure that it's from Illian, I mean he always was so caring towards you.", my mother said very excited while I forced myself to smile at her before I slowly opened it. My eyes widened in shock when I saw a diamond necklace inside of it. "Oh my god...", I breathed out and my mother quickly pulled the necklace out of my hands. "Those are real diamonds! Oh Quinn... He must really like you!", she cheered very excited while Mary rolled her eyes.

"Calm down Mom. We don't know if it is from Illian.", she told her but she didn't pay attention to Mary. I looked inside the basket again and I saw that a letter came with the necklace. "But we can find out.", my mother said and wanted to grab the letter but Mary was faster. "This letter is meant for Quinn. Only she should read it.", Mary told her and gave the letter to me. I gulped when I opened it.

Dear Quinn,

I just wanted to apologize for lying to you. I know it wasn't right but I was just scared. I was forced to be engaged to him and therefore I don't see him as my fiance but I was still worried that you might avoid me. I promise you that the wedding will never take place. I only love you and I always did. My behaviour was very intense, I admit but I will work on it because I want to do everything I can to make you happy. All I want is a chance. You don't have to worry about your parents. I know how to handle things now so please give just one chance. I know you still like me and I promise that if I mess this chance up, I will leave you alone. I just want a chance.

You will be mine - Ariana Grande gxgWhere stories live. Discover now