Chapter two: bullying

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Quinn's POV:

I planned to avoid Ari after the incident in the library but of course it wasn't easy. The next day in school turned out to be a cat and mouse game. Ari knew my schedule as well as hers and everytime I came out of class, she always waited outside. I always tried to hide behind my friends but of course she always catched me. Then I tried to run away from her until the next period started and it seemed to work out just in time but now there was one problem...

I had a free period and she did as well so I had to run away from her for a long time... I was faster than her since I was cheerleader and got a lot of stamina but she always knew how to cut my way... I had to find a hiding place. As soon as I walked out of the class room, I saw her casually leaning against the wall. I didn't even bother to hide behind my friends. She always catched me anyway.

"We need to talk.", she growled out of frustration that I constanly ran away from her. I didn't even reply and just started running. She cursed and quickly ran after me. "You can't run away from me forever!", she yelled after me but I ignored it. I might not be able to run away from her forever but I could avoid her as long as it was possible. I made a lot of curves while I ran, hoping I could make her lose me until I ran into two of my cheerleader girls.

"Wow what are you doing? You look like you've seen a ghost.", Amber said while I panted heavily. Amber was the head cheerleader and very shallow so she would definetely judge me, if I told her about what happened between me and Ari so I stayed silent. I quickly looked behind me and I noticed that Ari was gone and I sighed out of relief.

"It's nothing. Let's just go to the rooftop and gossip.", I told them and Amber's eyes immediately lit up. She loved to gossip especially about people she didn't like. We quickly walked to the school's rooftop, where we always had lunch in summer and sat down at the table. We were the only ones there since not everyone had a free period and Amber immediately was in her element and started to talk.

"You know Quinn... I know Ariana is your friend but I'm sure she is not as perfect as she seems. Her family is so rich and powerful that she can't allow herself to cause a scandal since everyone would find out and her family's name is disrespected.", she explained and my heart made a huge jump. "Yeah especially after her brother came out as gay. It was a big scandal all around the companies also the one, which is owned by my mother.", Riley said and I tried my best to stay calm. Riley was a disgusting rich girl, who only made it into the squad by her parents paying for it even though she couldn't dance at all.

"Yes. Ariana can't allow herself to cause another scandal but I think there is something she hides. I'm sure she is also gay and I really want to expose her since I can't stand her perfect attitude and her so special talent.", Amber replied and I gulped. I didn't want them to harm Ari but I was too scared to say something... "How can you be so sure?", I asked her and a sinister grin was all over her face.

"Come on, she is basically obsessed with you. I also saw her sniffing the shirt she put in your back so it smelled like you. She is so creepy and I want to proof it to protect other girls from her perverted nature.", she said and my eyes widened out of shock. I knew Ari's father... He already didn't accept that his son was gay, so he probably would go totally nuts when there was a rumor that Ari was gay as well...

"Amber please... That's just mean. We don't know it for sure and it's her choice, if she wants to come out.", I told her and she rolled her eyes very annoyed. "You are so boring Quinn. Who cares if it is true or not. I want to produce some chaos.", she said but before I could reply, I saw that Ari also came to the rooftop. She probably wanted to find me but why now... Amber would want to make a show now just to humiliate her.

I could see a smile of victory all over Amber's face while Ari walked towards me. "Quinn, I really need to talk to you.", she said and roughly grabbed my wrist while Amber pulled her water on me and tried to make it look like an accident but I knew what she wanted to do. "Oh my god Quinn! I'm so sorry... Let me help you to dry it.", she said and wanted to rub the piece of paper over my breasts, which made Ari snap.

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