Chapter thirty three: humiliated

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Quinn's POV:

I didn't dare to talk back to Ariana's mother any longer. Nothing was stronger than a bond of a family, so no matter how many terrible things Ariana did to me, her mother would always be on her side. I just sat there completely shocked about everything that happened right now and I slowly started to process it while Ariana's mother got me ready for the wedding.

My body was still very weak. I even struggled a lot to stand straight while she tried to put the wedding gown on me. I was sure that Ariana did that on purpose, so I wasn't able to get an outburst again and I probably had to live with the fact that she would always keep my body weak like this.

"So Quinn, I'm done and you look like a princess. Ariana was generous with the money for your dress.", she said and stroke my arms while I looked into the mirror. The dress really was beautiful and my hair was styled in an angelic way. But that was only the outside look. My face still looked pale and broken but Ariana always ignored that, so I doubt that it would bother her.

"We have to go downstairs now. Ariana probably never was as impatient as today.", her mother said and I sighed. I didn't have a choice. Even if I had the motivation to fight back, I wasn't able to do it. "Of course Misses Grande.", I replied while she put her arm around my waist to help me to walk. "Please just call me Joan. Now that you will marry into my family, I want you to see me as your mother.", she said and I looked down.

I could never do that but I stayed silent. She helped me to walk downstairs and pure disgust was all over my body when I saw the living room. Everything was decorated with hearts and rose pattels. In the middle, there was a small alter with white roses around it, where the priest was standing behind and Ariana's eyes were shining very bright when she saw me.

She was also wearing a long white dress but hers was very tight around her body and looked more sexy while mine looked like a disney princess dress. Her hair was down instead of a ponytail and Joan was basically giving me to her, something my father did on my wedding with Illian. I also noticed that Frankie was there as well and my eyes widened when I saw in what condition he was.

His eyes were empty and he looked starved... Ariana probably broke him too... As soon as I reached the alter Ariana instanly took my hand and kissed it. "You look so beautiful princess.", she said. "Why is Frankie here?", I asked and she giggled. "Because we need two groomsmen. My mother is mine and Frankie is yours.", she explained and the fact that she acted as if everything was normal made me sick.

"We are all here to celebrate the wedding bond of Ariana Grande and Quinn Waters.", the priest started to talk and I remembered the time, when Ariana and I watched the wedding of a family member of hers. She already was acting very strange back then and I remember being terrified and yet I didn't stop it.

But even if I did, I doubt that she would've left me alone. She already got married to me in her mind back then. She already chose me back then and there was no turning back for her. "Ariana Grande, do you vow to always love Quinn Waters now and forever until death does you part?", the priest said and Joan gave Ariana the ring. "I do!", Ariana said and put the ring on my finger. "Quinn Waters, do you vow to always love Ariana Grande now and forever until death does you part?", the priest now asked me and I didn't want to say I do...

I knew that Ariana won the war and would get everything in her way no matter what but I couldn't let these words come out of my mouth... I was too disgusted. I could see in Ariana's face that she slowly got angry from my silence. She roughly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her. "Say I do!", she whispered out very threatening and I started crying. "Don't make it worse Quinn. There is nothing we can do. Just do it.", Frankie said and I was shocked about how broken his voice sounded.

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