Just Like Heaven - The Cure

Start from the beginning

About 40 minutes later Peter and August came back to the reception. She came up behind Eddie and ruffled up his hair. He turned around confused but when he saw it was August he just smiled.

"How was that?" Eddie asked.

"It was fine, cold." She shrugged.

"That's what they get for having a wedding in November."

"I guess so." She smiled.

"Where do you have to go now?" Eddie asked.

"The table in front. While everyone is eating I have to make a speech then my maid of honor duties are done."

"I'll walk you up there." Eddie said standing up.

"Hey guys." She said to the table, waving before leaving. Everyone said hi back. She got to actually look at how Eddie looked in a suit, handsome, very handsome.

"Does that mean I can ask you to dance?" Eddie asked.

"Psh, I don't dance." She said laughing.

"What?!" Everyone dances.

"I mean I can dance, just it won't be a pretty sight." Eddie smiled at her, shaking his head.

"I'm going to get you on the dance floor, one way or another." He smirked.

"Okay..." She said confused.

"Watch your back." He said backing away. She just smiled and sat down.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Peter asked.

"Oh, Eddie?" He nodded. "No he's just my friend."

"Doesn't look like it.." He said taking a sip of water.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" August asked confused.

"That's how I look at my wife." He told her. "He looks at you like you're the love of his life. Friends don't look at each other like that."

"We're just friends."

"You're telling me, you have never thought of him as more than a friend." She took a sip of water. "Aha, you have."

"We kissed one time, held hands one time, and he sleeps in the same bed as me when we stay the night together. But that's it."

"You liked it?"

"It's hard not to. He's like a perfect guy."

"You don't want to ruin your friendship?" She nodded.


"Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?"

"He kissed me."

"Now it's your turn, he's interested in you just now you have to make a move."

"It was like 3 weeks ago that he kissed me though." She sighed.

"I'm not saying you need to do anything but if you're interested in him maybe talk to him about it or kiss him or something." He shrugged.

By that time Chris and Susan came to the reception. They thanked everyone for coming and then it was time to eat.

August made her speech while everyone was eating and so did Peter. Everyone seemed to like hers. Then the dance floor was opened which August had been dreading...

She had been drinking some of her wine when two strong arms came up behind her swooping her up off her feet. He picked her up and smiled at her.

"Oh, hey." He smiled. She tried not to smile but she couldn't keep it in.

The song that came on was 'Just Like Heaven' by The Cure.

"This is an easy one to dance to." He said guiding her hips to the beat. They began to sing the song to each other, laughing and joking whilst doing it. At the final beat she knew she was going to kiss him.

She pushed herself forward pressing her lips to his. He smiled against her lips and depended it. His hand went up and down her open back dress. They both pulled away at the same time. They smiled at each-other and Eddie pressed his forehead against hers.

"Let's go to San Diego for thanksgiving. Just us." Eddie said still caressing her back.

"I'd really like that."

"Me too." He said as her head moved to his chest.

"Are they drunk?" Stone asked Jeff.

"Eddie's sober and I think August has only had one glass of wine." Jeff said sipping down his beer.

"Then what the fuck are they doing?" Stone started getting pissed.

"I'm pretty sure they've had feelings for each other, I know August has at least. Eddie's hard to read but I think he likes her a lot too."

"How do you know about August liking Eddie?" Stone raised his voice.

"Chris said something about he overhead her talking to it with Susan." Jeff looked over at Stone. "You alright?"

"Fine, I'm fine." He said still angry.

"Oh shit..." Jeff said putting the pieces together. "You have a soft spot for little ole Augustine." He said pointing to his heart.

"Yeah, maybe." He mumbled out. "And so what Ament? I like a girl."

"Just don't be a dick to Eddie now.." Jeff said taking a sip of beer.

"Do you wanna go?" Eddie asked August.

"Yes please, my feet are killing me and Chris and Susan left already." She said and smiled at him.

"Give me your shoes." She raised her eyebrow at him but still gave him her shoes.

"Thank you."

"Meet me by the door." She nodded and walked away. Eddie went up to Stone and Jeff.

"Hey I'm gonna head ou-"

"Why do you have August's shoes?" Stone asked, cutting him off.

"Stone." Jeff said.

"Her feet were hurting." He said showing off the heels. "Anyways, I'm gonna head out. I'll see you later." He said and walked away.

"Stone, dude." Jeff shook his head. "It's not his fault." Stone nodded and chugged the rest of his beer.

Eddie found August by the door of the venue leaning up against the wall. When she saw him she smiled at him.

"Trust me here, okay?" Eddie said slipping his arms around her waist.

"What?" She said confused. "What does that mean?" He smirked and threw her over his shoulder. "I think you've carried me a lot today."

"Only twice!" He joked and put her into his car.

"Mine or yours?" She asked while messing with his hair.

"Yours, I want to see Fluff." She just smiled largely at him. He leaned in and kissed her again.

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