Chapter 70 - An Urgent Request: Tea Party

Start from the beginning

We humans are well-suited to this world since it can be both easy and hard for us to live in it.

If paradise was anything like heaven in KonoSuba was described as, I'm sure lots of people would opt out, otherwise they'd go insane.

"So, can you prove the truth of someone who does not exist?"

Probably not, no. This is the same as 'If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound?'.

"The purpose of this fifth question is to be nigh unanswerable. Does truth that cannot be proven become worthless? What is the true question masked behind such cynicism?"

Who knows? Philosophical shit usually just makes my head hurt.

Everyone has a different look on things after all.

"Eden is the paradise from scripture. It exists nowhere and cannot be found. In other words...'s nothing but a sweet illusion conjured by dreamers."

Yeah... Atheism isn't anything new, y'know? People always want to believe in something. Religion's been a big part of humanity for a long, long time.

"You see? Surely this is the metaphor behind the treaty's name?"


So, what does it mean, then? That paradise doesn't exist, so we have to make our own?

She turns back and looks at me again.



"You may find the story that's about to unfold to be unpalatable."

What is this, a trigger warning?

"It's a story meant to make you uncomfortable, uneasy, and leave you unhappy."

I've played Drakengard, you know? I doubt this'll be worse.

Fuck those babies.

"A cynical story that will make you doubt people and truth."

I already doubt those things.

I only just regained my faith in humanity and that was only after I came here.

"Gloomy, sad, painful, and ultimately bitter."

Your words are the only gloomy thing here, girly.

"But entirely truthful."

Yeah, things that happen in reality are usually true.

"I ask that you not look away and see it to the end."

Pfft. Like I have a choice.

The tiny fox girl steps closer.

"For that is your responsibility."

Real ominous there.

Ugh, fuck this dream.


Dreams are always fucking weird for me, but at least this one had nothing to do with that asshole or anyone back home.

Or that Shiroko look-alike.

Seriously, that dream just keeps happening ever know and again and I don't get it! Why an older Shiroko? Is she supposed to be an Alter from Fate?


Shoving all of that shit aside, after that ominous dream with the philosophical fox girl, I went to Trinity a few days later.

Why? Because Nagisa, the current 'host' of the Tea Party asked me over to cash in her favor.

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