Jordan stepped in his way before he could.

"I actually wanted to ask if Phoebe wanted a lift home?" he asked, as he looked my way.

"Nah, she's good, she has a car," Sebastian answered swiftly before I could.

I threw Sebastian an irritated glare. "Actually, I didn't bring it with me today. My brother dropped me off and I was just going to walk home.

Sebastian somehow managed to look even more pissed. "Seriously this is the one time you don't bring a car?" he muttered under his breath.

Turning back to Jordan, I flashed him a polite smile. "Sorry, I'll be happy to take the lift, thank you. But do you mind if I talk to Sebastian for a quick moment?"

Jordan's lips twitched up a little smugly and he nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Grabbing Sebastian by the arm, I steered him away till we were round the corner of the shop, out of sight and out of view.

The second we stopped, I turned to him with a frown. "What the hell is your problem, Sebastian? Why are you always so nasty to him?"

"Because I don't trust him. Not with you!" he snapped, his eyes firing away heatedly as he spoke. "He pretends to be all sweet to your face, but he's more than happy to spread personal shitty gossip about you and me around school. I don't care what you say, I refuse to forget that he did that to you. Nobody who cared about you would have shared information around like that," Sebastian ranted out, looking angrier than I'd seen him look in a long while.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "You hated him long before that happened, so that's bullshit."

Sebastian let out a breath of bitter laughter. "Well, yes obviously, but that's because-" He abruptly cut himself off.

"Because what?" I probed.

He remained silent for several seconds while just staring back at me.

I let out a scoff. "Just as I thought, you have no actual reason."

Then not giving Sebastian the chance to yell at me further, I turned on my heel and marched my way back over to Jordan.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Jordan asked as I approached.

I nodded, then the two of us walked alongside each other toward the direction of the mall parking lot. Still heated from my little argument with Sebastian, I kept my eyes solely facing the direction I was walking, refusing to look back at him.

It didn't take long till we reached his car, and once he'd unlocked his car, the two of us climbed our way in. I couldn't help but feel surprised by how empty I felt about the whole process.

Months ago, I would have practically shit myself at the idea of Jordan offering to take me home. But now for whatever, reason it didn't feel as exciting. Instead, my mind kept frustratingly drawing back to Sebastian and what the fuck his problem was.

Jordan soon started up the car and the next thing I knew we were pulling out onto the main road.

I was so absorbed in my own thoughts, that I almost missed it when Jordan turned my way. "I'm not sure how you can stand that guy," he muttered with a bitter laugh.

I turned to him in surprise. "Who, Sebastian?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, of course. The guy's always around you and he's always chatting shit," Jordan spat as he focused on the road up ahead.

Weirdly enough, a feeling of anger ripped through me from his words. "He's really not a bad person, you know, so don't talk about him that way," I snapped defensively, shocking myself with how aggressively the words seemed to leave my mouth.

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