Chapter 67 - A Student's Heart IV: Shiroko

Start from the beginning

"What's going on?" I ask one of the girls, referring to the cordoned-off area.

"Huh?" One of the girls asks, turning to me. She appears a tad surprised to have to look up at me. "Well, the Kaitengers robbed another bank."

"The what and the who?" I ask.

"The Kaitengers." A new voice says, sounding vaguely feminine to the point that it could easily be mistaken for that of a man's, or at least a teenage boy's.

Turning around, I see a girl with long, blonde hair with her bangs hiding one of her pale blue eyes and pretty much the rest of that half of her face. Atop her head are two ears... fox ears? Perhaps some kind of dog? Not sure what kind of ears they are exactly.

As she takes a sip from her white mug with a black paw-print on it, I notice her teeth are sharp and spiky.

She wears a light blue shirt with a dark blue tie and skirt. Over the shirt, she wears a dark blue policeman's jacket with a badge and various medals. Her legs are covered with black leggings and grey high-heeled shoes. She has a pistol holstered under her jacket and has a clipboard in her other hand. Her halo is light blue and appears to be a single shape, twisted to form an intricate diamond of sorts, but actually splits apart some.

"They're a bunch of idiots who think they're heroes, but they need funding for their escapades." The blonde girl explains.

"And their solution is to rob banks?" I deadpan.

"Evidently." She groans. "Ah right, I should probably introduce myself. Ogata Kanna, Captain of the Public Security Bureau."

"Joshua, Sensei of Schale." I greet back, causing her visible eye to widen a bit. "Nice to meetcha."

"Huh, wasn't expecting to run into you." Kanna says.

"Say, y'all need any help?" I offer.

"Normally, I would say no, confident in my men's abilities, but..." Kanna begins, pausing as her face scrunches up. "Those idiots are slippery."

"Then tell me how I can help." I say, seriously.

The blonde officer cracks a smile, her pointed teeth on display. "You really are a helpful guy, just like they say, huh, Sensei?"


A few minutes later, Kanna and I are positioned on the opposite side of barricades, in the cordoned off area. Her officers are behind us, ready to cover, along with cars set up at various locations, ready to assist.

"So, your guys are leading 'em here?" I ask.

"Yes. They should be coming around the corner soon." Kanna explains. "I also got us a bit more backup." She says, jutting her thumb backward.

Sure enough, more officers show up, these ones clearly less-equipped and wearing white uniforms, as opposed to blue and black. "These ones usually patrol, huh?"

"Got it in one." Kanna confirms. "These girls are from the Public Safety Bureau. We of the Public Security Bureau actively go after bad guys, while they're the ones that handle... less-important tasks."

"Ah." I add, as two girls run up to us, one looking far more enthusiastic than the other.

The excited girl has long, white hair done in two braids, the ends turning a pale blue, a similar color to her eyes. On her head is a grey cap, allowing an ahoge to stick up from under. She wears a white and grey uniform with purple accents, along with various things strapped to it. Next to her chest is a pistol, on her waist are canisters, likely smoke grenades, a purple megaphone and a small fanny pack on her back. She wears black leggings and has on tall, white boots and similarly colored boots. Her halo is interesting, it's blue on the outside and fades to pink in the center. It's a rather intricate design as well, almost unable to describe.

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