Expensive person

980 31 2

Aug 08,

"Alright. I have highlighted the terms that I want to consider.  I will have my secretary send the amendments tomorrow and then we can sign the contract as soon as possible," Roseanne concluded. Mr. Wang beamed at Roseanne. Just as  he expected, Roseanne was still inexperienced when it came to understanding the Korean market. He was sure that he would have the upper hand in the contract that Roseanne provided.

"Good. I will wait for you to..."

A voice suddenly interrupted Roseanne's words: Uncle Wang, what a pleasant surprise! Roseanne turned her head to look at the man who just approached them. A small smile immediately bloomed on her face when she noticed that it was the same guy who bumped into her last Friday. While still a little cold, this time the guy had a slight grin on his face which only served to enhance his phoenix eyes and his evil demeanor.

For some reason, this man reminded Roseanne of an evil doer with a handlebar mustache who always has a few dastardly deeds up his sleeves.

"Ah... Little Lee. I was not expecting to see you in Seoul." Wang Jay rose from his seat to give Lee Jongin a hug before he looked at Roseanne. "President Park, this is my nephew, Lee Jongin. I am not sure if you have heard of him but he is a superstar in eSports. He already received both local and international awards and even became a champion for years!"

"Oh... Never heard of him," Roseanne answered with a smile on her face. This made the atmosphere a little awkward as her words were in  contradiction to her friendly smile.

"Since we are done President Park, I really hope you don't mind if I invite my nephew to join us. I have not seen him for months now as he has been playing in tournaments abroad," Wang Jay smiled awkwardly.

"No problem. I will check the highlighted clauses and then I will take my  leave," Roseanne answered. Accidentally bumping into this guy once was one thing,  but two meetings in less than one week? Do these people think that she is stupid? Roseanne does not believe in coincidences. She always felt that luck was just the product of intent.

"You can stay," Lee Jongin said, earning a raised eyebrow from Roseanne. He then sat next to his uncle and across from Roseanne. "The last time that we met was full of misunderstandings. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the timely compensation last Saturday."

Roseanne just stared at Lee Jongin. The man did not offer an apology but instead he chose to emphasize how their meeting was full of misunderstandings, and then he proceeded to thank her for the keyboard that Lia sent as a replacement for the broken one? She wondered if this man was trying to make friends with her.

"I did not send that," she mentioned after a few seconds. She then began reviewing the highlighted clauses in the contract. Unfortunately, she did not have the luxury of spending time analysing another man's words right now as she was busy making bank.

A dead silence followed Roseanne's comment. What does she mean by her words? Lee Jongin stared at Roseanne in disbelief. He was being nice and yet she still managed to act rudely. It was obvious that she was the one who sent it. Why deny it in front of him?

Lee Jongin cleared his throat. "Well... I still would like to thank you for the effort."

"What effort is this? You two have met before?" Wang Jay asked. In response, Lee Jongin started explaining what happened last Friday and how he thought Roseanne was another woman who was trying to scheme to get into his pants.

"Well... President Park. This attitude is typical of my nephew. I would like to apologize on his behalf," Wan Jay said with a smile on his face. In response Roseanne lifted her head to smile at him before turning her attention back to making money. She did not even spare a single glance at Lee Jongin, which made the man extremely irritated.

On the outside Lee Jongin was still wearing his cold and frozen expression, On the inside, however, he was fired up and fuming. He felt that Roseanne's actions were an insult to him. How could she not even look at him while he was 'sincerely' thanking her? What a rude woman, he cursed inwardly.

"Well... I am done here. I will leave you two gentlemen all to yourselves," Roseanne gave them a polite smile before she handing her things to Lia, then she rose from her seat.

"President Park," Lee Jongin was quick to stop her. "May I have a moment with you?"


"..." He gritted his teeth. He had never met such rude woman before in his entire life - until he met Roseanne! He should just quit this wooing thing, but sadly Lee Jongin's enormous ego could not take it. How could a woman act rudely in front of him AND to him?

"Well, since you refuse to talk in private then I will just say it here: Would you like to have coffee with me?" he asked directly, surprising himself in the process. He was not intending to ask her out for coffee.

What he wanted in all honesty was to strangle Roseanne for a few minutes, but his mouth seemed to contradict what his brain was thinking. To be honest, this was his first time asking a woman out for coffee, so even his uncle who knew him well was surprised to hear him say this.

"No," Roseanne answered, turning her back on him. Instantly, His face reddened in embarrassment. She refused! Roseanne Park refused his request.

"President Park, please don't misunderstand. This is simply a gesture to thank you for the keyboard, nothing more." His words stopped Roseanne in her tracks. Slowly she turned around and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"It is you who misunderstood. I am a very expensive person, Mister. I can't just have coffee with someone for free. Plus, I already told you I was not the one who sent it to you. It was my secretary." Roseanne then turned her head towards Lia. "Do you want to have coffee with him?" she raised an eyebrow, amusement apparent in her eyes.

"Of course not!" Lia answered sternly, making him turn even more red. All he wanted right now was to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself. How could two women reject his offer in five minutes? Is he having bad luck today?

"Well, there you go Mister. No one wants to have coffee with you," Roseanne smiled before she eyed Wang Jay. "I will see you soon Mr. Wang. I have to go now." Then she turned around and left, leaving a fuming Lee Jongin frozen with his jaw clenched.

That Roseanne Park is indeed a challenge. His big ego would never allow a woman to treat him like that. He instantly made a mental note to improvise his strategy to get Roseanne's attention next time.

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