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Sara Bolton - POV
I sat down on my folding chair in a huff, blowing a wild strand of my dark hair off of my sweaty forehead and tugged at the messy bun piled on top of my head. It was only May but the Georgia humidity had already reared its miserable head and I was covered in sweat and dust from the gravel lot of the storage unit I was rifling through. I knew exactly what I was looking for, I just couldn't quite find it.

I took a deep gulp of my water bottle and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the other cup holder of my chair and lit it, taking a deep pull and letting the smoke burn my lungs. I know it is a bad habit, but damn it after the year I've had, picking up smoking again seemed like the only way to calm my nerves. Looking into the small storage unit full of boxes and bags, everything from my life, from my childhood bedroom all the way up until last summer was tucked away waiting for a new start. I looked over at the stacks of unused canvases and painting supplies that had been shoved in the corner since then, a pang of sadness hitting me, wishing I had the motivation to do what I loved so much again... Somewhere in this mess was a box of clothing i hadn't seen in years, should be somewhere near the boxes full of memories and well.. let's be honest junk, from my years at the University of Georgia. I sighed, took another drink of water and put the cigarette out with the toe of my converse in the gravels. I glanced at my phone I pulled from the back pocket of my jeans and saw that it was already almost 2pm. Where was that fucking box??

Moving my old bicycle out of the way I finally caught the glimpse of the box i had came here for, a beat up old Jameson box that I brought home from Five and Ten, the restaurant I was a waitress at years ago while in school. Written on the side in bold red sharpie was "slutty club clothes" underlined 3 times. I laughed at 21 year old me, flooded with memories of all those drunken nights with my friends trying to get free drinks from guys at the bars around campus. I pulled out box from the pile slowly, really not wanting to cause an avalanche like I did earlier in the opposite corner. A mess future me would have to deal with. As I finally got my hands on the box I had been looking for my phone started buzzing from my back pocket.

"Leah, yes I know what time it is and yes I'm fucking hurrying! I just found the clothes and I'm headed back to the apartment right now. I swear!"

"Sara I swear to Christ if you make us late for this pre party I will actually murder you, and you know I know how to get away with it, my extensive true crime podcast research WILL come in handy!"

I laughed at my best friend's threats, "Seriously Leah, I'm locking the door now and getting in the car. I'll be there in 10, calm down!" I ended the call put my phone back in my pocket and gathered my things out of the old tail gating chair, folding it up and tossing it in the rest of the mess. Cringing at the state I was leaving the place in. I picked the box up off the dusty card table and pulled the metal door down locking it behind me. I tossed the box in the back seat of my , and got in the front seat turning on the car and putting the AC on full blast. I was pretty excited about tonight myself, Leah's older brother, Elijah was in town. Eli worked as a sound engineer and was currently touring with Post Malone. I had been extremely jealous of his current work situation since Leah had told me about it months ago. She knew I was a huge fan and had been dying to see him preform live for years now. Eli had hooked us up with backstage passes for the night along with a pair of tickets for the pit. Leah and I were beyond excited to get to party with the legend himself, as I giggled at my own corny thoughts. The box of clothes in my backseat was just what I needed to give myself a little confidence boost. Shaking the thoughts of the past year out of my head I turned into the parking garage of Leah and I's complex and punched the gate code in the keypad. The yellow bar rising as I pulled in looking for the closest spot to the elevator.

I heard the music before I even opened our apartment door, shaking my head at Leah as she danced around our kitchen island...

"Said you wanted to have my babies
I Fucked you so good you should pay me
Don't call me baby when you did me so wrong.."

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