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POV- Ixtal

      I walked along the beach once again. The dead soul was removed from the premises. Ujakma was supposed to visit sometime today. I waltzed back and forth with the sand rubbing against my feet. My tail swatted back and forth in the sand. I was an avid runner and could run quickly if needed. I was an avid swimmer as well, but my skill was mainly running along the ground. I had webbed hands as well as feet in case swimming was the last option, and not to mention a few patches of skin to take the air from the water while I stayed under. Staying under water was more of a hiding mechanism for me.

     My skin changed color if I ever needed to. It took a bit of my energy when I did so, which reminded me to practice using that ability more. I couldn't exactly turn invisible, but it was worth a shot.

     I saw Ujakma on one of the creatures riding over here at high speeds in the distance.


      He jumped aboard my island and stood a great deal taller than I was. Ujakma was a hell of a giant. He had almost black skin with hints of blue, green, and yellow. He was utterly beautiful with a strong build and wore baggy bottoms made of exotic flowers and wet plants. He was a gentle man, but his power was something else. Something other than gentle. Fire ran through his veins. Extreme heat...

      You could see it sometimes when the weather here got warm enough. His hair was braided most of the time with a long, black, thick braid. He put red flowers in it most days. His eyes were a bright blue with streaks of yellow and green. He had two tails and better webbed hands and feet.

      "You called for me?" his voice was deep.

      "Yes. It's been awhile since we've talked. Have you been planting the flowers?" I looked up at him. "And there's other issues we need to resolve."

     "I planted the flowers like I do every year. What's the issue you have found?" he had such a sweet and concerned voice.

      "Ujakma... You should have seen it. There was a monster infected with this virus of hatred. I fought it off, but it did spark worry inside me," I explained to him calmly.

      "I see... I'm sure it's nothing. I planted the flowers of peace, therefore we should be alright. If it provides you any comfort, I can stay here for awhile." He looked to the water.

      "I have another question," I looked up at him still. "Where have you been? Why haven't you kept contact with me? I'm the tribe leader!"

      "Ixtal... I haven't been able to go to you as much due to mass flooding over where I am. The rain storms have increased, the people became restless, and all you ever do is guard. Which I will admit you have done a good job at. Others have jobs too Ixtal," He explained calmly.

     "I've done my best. You haven't tried at least once to communicate?" I looked away. "You could've at least tried!"

      "I'm sorry Ixtal," He repeated himself again. "I'm sorry..."

     "I accept your apology... Don't go rouge on me like that again please," I sat down in the sand.

     "I promise," he smiled and sat down with me.

      "We will handle it Ixtal. Don't you worry," he held sand in his hands.

      "Yes we will. Thanks for the reassurance," I looked around.

     "Did you ever put anyone in charge while you were gone?" I took some of the sand from his hands.

      "Yes I did," he sighed. "I plan on staying here a long time though."

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