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POV- The Catalyst

     I released a wave of destruction. It had been a week now since the incident. Kyle had fixed the majority of it as I rested in the spare chambers. The virus and bitterness continued to eat at me. It hasn't gotten this bad in forever. It grew restless inside of me. Kyle has been making it calm somewhat. I didn't know what the reason was though. I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of it. Venetra and Justice haven't been helping my worries either. I could just as easily take them out with my shockwaves, but the thing is...

     I didn't.

     I don't know why. Really. I could take care of the problem. I didn't know the measurements of Venetra's powers just yet. I don't think I wanted to find out either. I sat up on the silk sheets and looked around in the dark. He made sure no lights ever came inside here from the sun. Glow in the dark plants with healing scents lined some of the stone walls. They pulsed and lit the room peacefully. I felt a calming presence from them. Inside here, I felt like the virus was weak. I wonder what these plants were called. I had a long black dress on. It covered my shoulders and had extravagantly long sleeves. Black lines from the virus grew inside my skin and showed along my face. The powers I had were separate and I could tell. When the shockwave went off, The virus backed away as if it was afraid. Both powers are afraid of one another. I felt like I was split in half.

     I wonder if Kyle could make that go away. He most certainly could. The question is... Would he be up for the job? I'm sure if I went under operation, the virus that ate at my flesh for hundreds of years would look disgusting. My flesh black and rotten. I sighed and looked at the ceiling. So many problems, yet so little time to fix them. It would take me eventually. I couldn't lie to myself about it.

     Kyle cracked open the door and knocked on it.

     "Come in," I motioned for him to sit on the bench at the end of the bed.

     It was a stone bench with two black pillows. He knew how much I loved the color black.

     "You doing alright?" I couldn't see him in the dark.

     "I'm worried," I said to him.

     "What is there to worry about?" He paused. "There isn't any danger to you here. Even then, you can defeat them with your shockwaves yes?"

"Not Venetra," I sighed at the thought of her.

"She's a celestial yes?" He looked confused.

"Yes. She's been around since the universe's creation," I replied.

"Understandable. Is there anything you need for tonight? I have some natural remedies?" He said with a caring tone.

"I have a request," I looked from him to the dim ceiling.

"Anything," he said in a cheery tone. I think he smiled.

"I need you to see how bad the virus has gotten inside of me. See if you can remove it if it looks bad enough," I requested.

"Seems fair enough to me," He said.

     "Could this be at a later time though? The plants seem to be helping tonight," I requested further.

     "Of course. I don't mind at all," he released a small chuckle in the darkness.

     He scooted over to me and asked, "Asya... Can I grab your hand and ask you for this dance?"

     My heart was shook at the question. The virus I could feel was confused as well.

"I mean... I can try," I stood up in the midst of the darkness.

He grabbed my hand gently.

"Careful," I suggested.

"I should be alright. I coated my hands with some powder from the flowers in my medicine garden. It will keep either of us from harm for a bit," he reassured me.

"Just making sure you don't get hurt," I sighed reluctantly.

"Glad you're taking care of me before something bad happens," I could sense that he smiled.

"Yeah. I am," I said.

He rubbed his finger around in circles gently on my gloves and began to twirl me around the room. Gently, he swayed me back and forth with every breath. He dipped me in his arms. I felt warmth. For hundreds of years of bitter cold and freezing temperatures from the virus in my body, I felt warmth. It felt like taking a breath of fresh air. I began to forget about some of the hate. The trauma and hell I had been through. The dancing was like a cure. It was washing the pain away like water traveling all over my skin.


"Yes?" I looked up at his silhouette in the darkness.

"Your eyes," he held his breath.

Some glowing flowers made their way to my face.

"What about them?" I gave him a confusing look.

"They're becoming colorful. Different colors. Asya your eyes have color," A tear dropped from his face onto mine.

"Why are you crying?" I looked at him with a cold stare.

"I can see your pain. What hell that must've been to go through. I promise you Asya... I promise you won't have to see another hurtful moment again. Let me be your friend at least. Find some heart in yourself," he sat me down on the bench and backed away to give me space.

"You saw it?" I was shocked... "But how?!?"

"The flowers feel things most creatures cannot. They see things I cannot see myself from the naked eye," he explained gently in the dark.

"I see now. I will say... You made the pain go away for a small while," I scoffed slightly. "Thank you. Thank you."

"It was my pleasure," he sighed in sorrow. "I will leave you to your rest now. Goodnight"

"Goodnight," I said as he opened the temple doors.

I saw him quietly walk out and close the doors behind him. The doors clicked and I was left in the dark silence. I crawled back into my bed to feel the healing plant's warmth. It was a calming feeling that I didn't want to let go of just yet. He was my safe zone. My virus felt awfully warmed by his presence. I don't know what this feeling was. I hadn't felt it ever? I couldn't quite name it. He healed me but didn't cure me. I don't know how to describe it other than that.

     POV- Kyle, prince of flowers.

      I sat outside of her room. I could sense movement. It stopped as soon as I sensed it. Everyone saw that virus as a curse or something that's killing her. I didn't. I seen it as an opportunity. That virus keeps her alive. If she can use it in a useful way and stay away from people that hate it, she can live forever. She doesn't realize that just yet, but I'd explain it to her sooner or later. Or she would figure it out herself. Either way worked well for me. She danced quite gracefully as well. I had quite a hatred for Hope. I  didn't learn that my brother died until years later.


      He was only after Justice. Justice could've died and not him. I knew why Asya hated happiness. It's because she never had it. She was a flower that didn't have any sunlight. She needed sunshine. That's what I was there for. She will come to bloom one day and help me out and I will help her as I am right now. I just has to wait until the discovery. Once that was figured out and she trained with her powers more, she'd find out some advantages against Venetra. She could find out she was stronger than Venetra and Justice combined, she could find out how to use both her powers, and last but not least...

      She would find out she could be eternal.

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