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POV - Venetra

I still remember the kiss. It was a small but long one. I floated up in space while Cyfrin waited down on the planet covered with ice until I was ready to go back down. I liked floating in space. You couldn't feel anything or hear anything. It was relaxing in an odd but magical way.

     I never knew that Cyfrin felt that way for a long time. Ever since our first reunion after the great war, I never thought I'd see him again. I don't even know why we were separated in the first place. War has its surprises for sure. Cyfrin I remember meeting during one of the turning points in the war.

     It was thousands of years ago...

      "WE ARE UNDER ENEMY FIRE!!!" One of the commanders shouted. "TAKE COVER! TAKE COVER!"

      I was battling on a deserted planet. I hid behind abandoned buildings and shot my blaster at people and manipulated reality to ensure my safety. I ran in between alleyways and fought ruthlessly. Creatures of all types came at me. I fought in all white with a blaster and a double edged sword. I threw creatures in the air and theu landed to the ground with cracks in their sturctures. They all winced in pain, but little did they know, I had small amounts of exhaustion beginning to kick in. Soon enough, I heard an alarm sounding throughout the abandoned city and began to try and pack up my things and move out. I was in such a hurry, that I didn't hear the thumping.

      There were buildings crashing due to the mass destruction. I couldn't stay here anymore. I started to run when I realized more buildings were crashing behind me. It occurred to me too late that I was not running fast enough. I tried flying, but it became too risky as other creatures were around and my skills fighting in the air in unknown environments were risky.

      I dropped back to the ground and ran faster. I didn't look behind me, but I heard the crashing getting closer. I threw on my helmet to drown out the sounds and to prevent any hearing damage on my end. This would also prevent any damage to me physically. I began to slightly lose momentum as the buildings crashed further. I was fighting light years away from my home on the blue planet. Life as a warrior was extremely hard here.

I eventually started to see the light at the end of the tunnel after awhile of running. I saw a small crevice that I could hide away from the collapse as the crashing kept threatening my survival. When I tried to move to another realm, I seen that I had not enough strength. My panic settled in finally at last. I began to run full speed ahead for the crevice to hopefully avoid being crushed by the buildings. I could hear the universe screaming inside of me at this point. Every fiber of my being was telling me to give up and stop, but I didn't. I used every bit of energy I had to jump over the obstacles. After that, I finally slid into the crevice.

And thats when I met Cyfrin. When I heard the buildings crash outside, I asked him.

"What was all that about? State your name and position," I stayed a good bit away from him.

"I'm Cyfrin. I am the king of music," he said. "I do not serve under anybody. Those buildings and towers were merely being cleared out for new uses."

"Oh. That makes more sense," I responded. "I'm Venetra, Guardian of the worlds and the spaces between them."

And it all started from there...


The stars looked extravagant. They felt like they were so close, but yet they strayed light years away. If not, Hundreds and thousands of years itself. Either way, the ways of the universe were truly magical and unexplainable. Cyfrin was one to define it too. He was unexplainable in and of itself. He was bold, yet shy. I could never quite put my sights on what word would finally define him at his death.

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