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POV- Hope

     I was back at the palace. I had my necklace back in the safe with two of my trusted
knights guarding it for me. Xandyr had his own room a slight bit up the stairs from me. The knights welcomed him with open arms. Not much conflict that I could see was affecting my planet. Things were running smoothly around here. Just the way I liked it.

     It was still fairly early. The suns had not risen today yet. Our planet's side was still fairly cold. The barrier was keeping us safe, so as long as that was running good, the empire is fine.

     Xandyr's bell rang for service for the morning meal. I found myself to be quite hungry as well. I went to the medical ward and opened the doors to find my needles. I stuck the hottest ones into my golden skin to get the minerals inside of my system. That should sustain me for a few days.

      Before the day officially started, I decided I was going to take a bath up in the top quarters. Just to get away from everyone and everything. I feel like the universe feels like that sometimes. To get away from everyone and everything? I feel like thats the way it goes. I'm not the smartest, but if you asked someone, they'd say I'm pretty omniscient.

      I tiredly climbed up the stairs with drinks in both of my hands. I became bored with no conflict in the kingdom. I had to remind myself that I have died a few times. Dying wasn't pleasant. Going through the process of sitting in the walls of gold until your spark comes back feels like you are dying even though you are already dead. I couldn't tell Xandyr. He would worry too much about me. I know damn well he would too.

    I pushed open the door and took off my pieces of armor. I needed to call upon Venetra to ask her for her advice. I had a feeling she was going to save us all. She already does so much for the galaxy. I was more than grateful to have her and Xandyr around. Fighting for me and many others with the sicknesses going around. Many of us still didn't know the source of the sickness. I would like to live to find out, but something felt wrong. I ripped off the dress I wore and turned on the faucet. Gold flowed out and began to fill up the bathtub. I dropped to my knees with my drinks in my hand. I quickly got back up to lock the doors so that way I wouldn't be found in my sorrows. This wasn't like me at all. Keeping the mask from the kingdom was a very very bad thing and I knew it. Hiding my emotions would be the downfall of me.

     I dropped to my knees a second time and picked the bottles back up. I popped the golden lid off of one of them and began to drain it down my throat. I closed the curtains to cut out the sun and drank more. The tub filled up enough for me to get into it. I shook as I got up for the third time and sank into the tub of gold. It was warm. I chucked back the bottles and began to cry. I wanted change. I wasn't sad at all. Why were these tears here. Tears are for sadness and happiness. I wasn't happy, angry, or sad. It made no sense to me.

      Think. Think. Think.

      I sank more into the tub and my hair fell into the gold too. My tears felt like paint going down my face. I wanted to throw up. I knew if I did, gold would come out. Why was I so good? Why did they think I was the hero I am?

      For moving the sun? Saving my people from burning alive? Keeping the virus out? It didn't seem like it. I felt the effects of it. People say that the virus isn't here and there's nothing to worry about. I worry that I have it. I worry I have multiple. Some part of me was sick of seeing the gold. I was a happy person. These tears were because I worried. They were because I needed a change of pace. I needed to see something other than gold. Was it enough of an emergency to call the celestial? Would she worry for my kingdom too? I didn't want that to happen at all.

     There were knocks at my door.

     "Hope?" It was Xandyr.

      "Go away," I sighed at the thought of him just going.

     "Now, I've never heard you say that before. Is everything alright? Do I need to come in?" He was concerned now for sure at the hearing of my words.

      I didn't answer, because I knew I needed his comfort. I didn't need Venetra's comfort right now, I needed his.

      He burst into the room and had candles and a bag full of things he thought I would've needed. He got onto his knees and hugged me as he witnessed the tears painting my face.

      "I need to leave Xandyr," I said in between sobs.

      "I understand. I would like to come with you. The knights can handle the castle right now," He replied sincerely.

      "I would love for you to. I think we can make it work. I just can't see the same things all the time. I can see you Xandyr and that's about it," I kept crying into the gold.

     "It's alright. I appreciate your kind words Hope. Let's get you out of here. You don't even have to walk," he said as he began to lift my heavy golden body out of the gold-filled tub.

      He sat me down against the tub and put a towel over me. He kissed my cheek and began to put a dress on me instead of armor.

     "You'll be safe enough to not worry about armor and protection. If I need it, I can call upon Venetra," he smiled and reassured me.

      I leaned my head back and he brushed it gently for me. I said nothing, but he understood my exhaustion.

      "I know. You need a break. You've saved countless lives. You are a warrior Hope. I appreciate and admire you no matter what," he put on some comfortable shoes on my feet.

      I groaned.

      He lifted me and carried my limp body in his arms.

      "You only have to answer this one question for me okay Hope? Where do you want to go?" He readjusted me in his arms .

     "Water... Take me somewhere with water," I leaned my head back.

      "Will do. I will take you somewhere with lots of water. I will ask Citronius permission to use the waters of his planet," he smiled down on me.

      I nodded at him a thank you. We were on the front area of the empire before the towns of gold below now.

      "I'm going to need you to flap your golden and beautiful angel wings dear. I can work it all out from there I promise. The water planet isn't too far from here," he sighed. "Use whatever energy you have. I know you're tired."

      I got them out and began to fly with how heavy they felt. Xandyr helped by gently patting them as they flapped. I flipped a gear in my dress and my armor came back to have my wings fly for me even though I became a lot heavier to carry. Xandyr didn't mind at all. He was a great gentleman yes he was...

      I was so impressed with him. Every day he impressed me. That was my Xandyr. He was my key. I was the lock. Every time I needed it, I was saved. I just hoped the water would save me too. I would have to thank Citronius if he let us in and Xandyr for caring for me. I had to leave Goldenheart for awhile. My people would understand that I would return in a week's time or so. They would understand.

     I needed it before their empress started to crack under the heat.

     The water would cool me off and reset my heart again. With the relaxation and advice from Xandyr and Citronius, I was sure everything was going to be alright.

      It had to be.


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