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POV - Unknown.

     Word came around that the man was in the tallest building, meaning he was someone of importance. Abanus continued to wander the streets as I watched silently from above. I slipped along the glass with my gloves that sticked to the walls. He seemed to be unsure that I was here, so it seemed my plan was working. Use Abanus as bait, find Narcissus, and train his mountain of an ego. It was all easier said then done. One slip or noise and I could risk getting caught by this man. It would take no effort to take him down again I was sure, but he would know I'd be stalking him.

He kept moving forward down the alleyway. He wasn't saying anything for now. I just had to keep watching him and waiting for the right moment. I put on one of my eye scopes to check his health and weaknesses if necessary.

I zoomed in to see that he had little weakness except for his neck. His braids were long, therefore it would be easy to pull back in a fight. His health was in great condition. I zoomed more on him as he walked. He soon began to turn a corner and disappeared from my sight.

Damn it.

I slipped along the glass once more as little raindrops began to sprinkle from the skies above. My grip began to loosen on the glass and I started to slip down the building. The slide down after the rain fell faster was utterly peaceful. I could feel the small layer of water beneath my hands as I fell down faster. I fell quietly enough so that Abanus could not see me or hear me. I touched the concrete with great peacefulness and looked around. Abanus was nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden I heard two voices. Abanus and someone else were talking. Both voices were male.

"Wheres my currencies. I need more of the Goldenheart artifacts or I will end your life," Abanus spoke angrily.

"While Hope isn't there, there is not much I can do sir," the other voice said.

"Well then where is she?" Abanus shouted over the rain.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you. Not because I know, but because I don't know," He paused. "We should go inside. The rain is getting worse."

"Good idea. Follow me this way. I know a place we can go," Abanus said back to the man as I heard footsteps go away.

Good riddance. I needed to follow them without me knowing, but if I used the technology in the rain to listen in, I'd get caught in an instant and my tech would blow out.

Think Think Think...

I threw on my mask of no emotion and ran as fast as I could into the street. My boots slapped the thin layers of rain when I tripped and fell to the ground. The cold, wet, sopping water from the rain was now on my mask. I scrambled to my feet in a panic when I was grabbed by the neck by a pair of big hands. I couldn't see due to the mask shutting down, nor could I move. I was practically an empty shell inside of his huge hands. I didn't struggle or move, but instead decided to close my eyes and wait.

      "This one is recognizable," Abanus huffed.

     "Take off it's mask," the other one replied.

     "Will do," Abanus shrugged as he began to release one hand off of my neck for my mask.

       I had my mask extremely clipped on so that way there would be no way he could get through. My suit may have been shut down due to the weather, but I could always make improvements if I lived till later. He tried his best to rip it off me. The technology stayed still and made sure my identity stayed safe. He kept trying, but after multiple attempts he gave up.

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