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POV- Narcissus

I had the gun in my hand when Abanus and I were getting a drink. Things were being handled gently as people went into quarantine and lockdown. People had to get permission to go outdoors.

But not us...

Privileged can do whatever we really want. We have pretty much an infinite lifespan. The unprivileged do not know about us. We keep our powers secret for the most part unless it's absolutely necessary. For example, when we have to fight.

      They become an audience to us. They watch magic come from our freakish bodies. Some of us with multiple arms, super strength, manipulation, elemental powers, and so much more freakish powers out there that creatures aren't aware of. People followed my orders to stay inside because of the epidemic that was happening.

Abanus swirled his drink around in his hands.

"What do you think caused all this? I forgot to ask," he said in between sips.

"Seemed like a virus of hatred. Having people stay inside and take care of themselves with their friends, family, relationships, hobbies, and whatever should be helping them until we get all of this under full control until we get back to normal again," I explained to him.

"You don't think the "celestial" is going to be furious?" He set down his drink.

"We will handle that ship when we get to it," I looked at him with a shrug, "I don't care currently."

"Seems fair enough. I'll hammer her down if it comes down to it too," He said as he looked at his hammer.

"You'll need more than that," I spat out a small amount of my drink.

"She's that powerful?" He looked at me surprised.

"She could break you in half like one of my glasses for my drinks. Easy as that," I laughed at him.

"How long has she been alive?" He looked at me slightly surprised.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "I don't care either."

      "So if she reduces you to atoms, you won't care?" He looked at me as if I was insane.

     I was. Slightly. Being alive for a certain amount of time as a creature wears on you.

      "I'm not sure. I still don't care. If it affects me, then it will. I'll get over it," I scoffed.

      "I guess so," he took the last sip of his drink. "let's get going shall we?"

     "Yeah. That sounds like a good idea," I put down the last of mine and stood up.

      We walked out of the shop as the woman at the counter waved at me and smiled. I gave her an ugly look as I walked out.

     We were walking along the sidewalks when we heard an extremely familiar voice behind us.

     "Narcissus," the womans voice breathed. "What the actual hell."


      "Yessssss?" I turned around in a heartbeat.

      Today she wore a white cloak with some long white bottoms with different symbols of the Ekkwa engraved inside them.

      "You broke my rules," She spoke angrily.

      "I don't care," I defended myself. "It's my city. I decide how I want to rule it!"

      "Not necessarily. I've been here long before you," she looked furious. "I decide how it goes."

     "I handled the outbreak greatly. I have people in quarantine and there's hope for a cure!" I yelled.

     "That doesn't matter. You could've summoned me," she walked up to me and slapped me across the face.

     "What do you think I was supposed to do? Wait around until you magically come to everyones rescue?! You cant save EVERYONE Venetra!" I shoved her away from me as Abanus watched.

     "He does have a point," said Abanus with a shrug.

     "Don't get involved in this. This isn't your deal.  This is between Narcissus and I," she ordered at him.

     "Don't you understand?!?! It's my universe given JOB to protect everyone! You can't just rule yourself!" She kicked me down to one knee.

      "You don't control and hover over Hope do you? It's only me that you're always concerned over!!" I stood back up.

      "Fine then. Ruling is up to you from now on. Don't summon me unless it's an absolute emergency. Tell anyone about this and I'll end your life..." She slapped a metal wristband on me and it had a needle attached.

     "The hell is this?" I looked at her shocked.

     "That's for you to find out if you break my deal," She had a smug look on her face.

      She flew off immediately after that without letting me respond. I stood up to her. My narcissistic personality worked. I didn't even have to use my powers on her celestial self.

     I chuckled at the thought.

     "That went better than I thought," I said as I looked at Abanus.

     "Yes it did. You didn't die like I thought you would. She looked furious," he said.

      "She's really stressed right now. I took it easy on her. I can see it in her eyes. The universe is testing her. I'm just a responsibility that she knocked off of her list with ease. She can focus on more important things now," I explained calmly.

     "Doesn't she usually have Cyfrin with her? I met him once," he reminisced at the memory it seemed.

     "Not today. They're both under stress from the whole virus situation. It's gotten other worlds. I don't care though, it's not my business," I shrugged as we began to walk along the streets.

     It began to sprinkle lightly on the sidewalk.

    "We just gotta worry about our city," Abanus said.

     "Yeah. Thats the best we can do for right now," I sighed.

     "All a part of the process," Abanus reassured me.

     "A really long process," I paused again. "Let's hope this virus slows down sometime soon."

    "I really hope so. I'm kind of tired of it already. It's been happening for a long time now it feels like," Abanus said as he put his hammer down.

    He sounded exhausted.

     I couldn't blame him. I was too.

     "We should get some rest. This will help the process our city is running through currently," I looked at Abanus.

     He seemed relieved enough to not answer. I could see he needed it even as strong as he was. Rest was what we needed right now.

     It was all apart of the process.

    The process to defeat the virus.

    And the process to keep my planet alive and flourishing.


    That's what we needed.


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