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POV- Unknown

I woke up in a room. I had bandages on my arms and a heater was going to keep me warm. I was in a rundown apartment. The walls were peeling, it was dirty, and it had an odd smell to it too.

I had some comfortable clothes on. I didn't remember how I got here. I must've gotten into a fight. Maybe I got drunk? There's no possible way though. I usually don't drink? I grabbed a blanket off of a nearby couch and wrapped it around me.

There was an old record player that leaned against the wall. I saw a few old and outdated posters hanging up too.

I heard a creaking of floorboards. That meant someone was coming. I pretended to fall back asleep and put the blanket back on the couch. I closed my eyes and heard the voice. It wasn't tired or husky this time.

"Ah, she's not awake yet," he sighed.

He began to walk out as I popped my head up.

"Knew it," he said as he chuckled and threw me on the couch.

He was blonde. He had a blonde mustache, long blonde hair, and was wearing a casual white t-shirt and some blue jeans. He was wearing a black and gold watch too.

"What happened to you?" He sat down next to me.

"To be completely fair, I'm not sure?" I looked confused.

"Well, when I picked you out of the canal a few days ago I—"

"Wait wait wait wait... WAIT... a.. canal?" I didn't remember any canals?

"Yeah, you had cuts all over you and bruises. Looks like you survived a drowning because you were soaking," he said concerned.

"I didn't remember, I'm sorry," I said.

"Well, for starters what's your name? Im Vickk

"Just call me Necra for right now," I said calmly.

"Necra it is," he said shaking my hand awkwardly.

Vickk pulled out a cigarette and stepped out to smoke. I followed him.

"If you're curious, by all means try a puff?" he said curiously.

"No thank you," i said calmly.

"Fair enough," he said and went back to smoking.

"Why'd you save me?"

"Didn't wanna be blamed for homicide," he said calmly looking at the sky.

"Makes sense," I said as I rested my arms on the balcony.

"Anyways, it's pretty late Necra, get to bed. Glad you're better though. You can leave in the morning unless you wanna help with rent," He stated as he put his cigarette out on the railing.

"Thank you Vickk," i said walking inside.

I slipped onto the couch and pulled a blanket over me. Vickk wasn't too bad in my own personal opinion. He just didn't talk much.

"Goodnight Vickk," I shouted to him up in the kitchen.

"Goodnight Necra," He said with a piece of toast with jam on it in his mouth.

Crazy bastard. Saying he wanted to avoid a homicide investigation. Oh well I guess. He DID save me after all. I do have to leave tomorrow or else i'll feel some sense of guilt. I felt my eyelids start to droop. That's the moment when I drifted off to sleep.

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