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POV- Hope.

     There was a court meeting today to discuss the matters of the other worlds. We would need to invite Venetra as well to help settle the growing tensions between the worlds. This could help prevent a galactic war.

     I was back in my room. I looked out the window at the empire and the barrier. The barrier was holding up exquisitely. Each and every diamond shape in the barrier was holding up well and keeping my people safe.

There was a man staying in one of the homes down in the kingdom.

I had let him go and refused the offer as I needed to defend the kingdom. I needed to keep the kingdom of gold safe. I got on my military armor and started to comb out my golden hair. I had to look my best even though tensions between worlds were rising.

     I grabbed my sword from it's case and put it in my holster.

     I stood at the door and took a deep breath.

     I paused...

     I began to open the door and they opened with a giant creak. The council of the worlds was there before me. They stared as I walked through the hall with each echoing step.

The horn blew and I stepped into the courtroom and out of my hall.

I stepped up into my throne and began to take a seat. They all stared at me in a deafening silence.

"I start this meeting by taking attendance. I know not all worlds can join us but this is what counts," I started.

"Citronius?" I looked around.

"Present," he said from his bubble.

"Alrighty then," I started, "Sereniti?"

"Present," She said with an echo.

"Itti?" I looked around.

"Present," he said as he stood up with pride.

"Cyfrin?" I called out.

     "Present," he said holding his flute.

"Aaaanndddd..." I started to look at the last name on the list "Narcissus?"

"Here," he said darkly.

"Alright. Without further adieu, I will like to mention that Venetra, guardian between worlds will join us shortly as well. She is attending to some business currently."

"Permission to speak your majesty?" Narcissus spoke.

"Yes. You have the floor," I stated.

"I believe this galaxy is in grave danger of war. I think we can all agree we need some sort of solution yes? I say some travel needs to be cut off from those who are not privileged," he said as he sat back down.

"While that is a good point Narcissus, we must take into consideration an equal and more fair way to come about this situation," I stated calmly.

     "Your majesty may I please provide some possible solutions?" Asked Sereniti.

     "Yes of course," I stated calmly, gesturing for her to speak.

"I believe Venetra can cause some sort of peace to this hardship," she stated calmly.

"No she CANNOT." Cyfrin shouted with rage, "She is dealing with someone or something that we cannot comprehend just yet. The tensions are happening for a reason. Yes, her power is strong but she cannot magically stop whatever is happening!

     "I OBJECT!" Sereniti shouted at Cyfrin, "She has the most power out of any of us. She should be obligated to help!"

     "Have all of you gone INSANE?!? Venetra is a peacemaker but she does not completely avoid violence with those she wishes to harm! Do not underestimate her power!" Cyfrin shouted.

     "Order. She has arrived," I shouted.

     She walked in the door. She had her mask on and her skin was like the galaxy. She said nothing and the room grew into a deafening silence. She sat down in her chair.

"Lets get down to the basics," she started "We all want the best for our people. I propose that we work together and quit the bickering. That is what is causing this hatred to spread. I have seen it firsthand and it is not good for the universe."

"Thank you for calming the court Venetra," I said, "Any other ideas? Besides war?"

"Your majesty I have some ideas," Narcissus spoke.

     "Let's hear it," I spoke.

     "Well, we can try and send Venetra to new worlds to help us connect again. We can also do our best by trying to find common ground with our allies. This way, we can both find reasonable peace. It's not perfect but I believe it's a start," he said bowing and then proceeding to sit down.

"I agree with Narcissus statement," started Sereniti, "His statement proves some sort of peace your majesty!"

I took in all the information Narcissus had stated.

"Narcissus has a good point. I say we take a vote of action on whether or not we decide to take action with his words," I stated calmly.

"I agree," said Cyfrin.

"I agree," shouted the rest in unison.

They all rose and bowed to me.

"Thank you," I started, "Let's work on this galactic peace shall we?"

"Yes your majesty," they said agreeing.

     "Without further adieu, this meeting is adjourned," I said clapping.

     They clapped as well and each gradually began to exit the main hall. The room was now silent and I sat there on my throne as the other knights removed chairs and cleaned my golden floors. I looked out the window and saw that the barrier was being cleaned today.

     I eventually got up after a few minutes and decided to open the doors to the hallway to my room. I walked down the hallways and past the paintings hanging gloriously upon the walls. A war battlefield painting lined the ceilings with gold arches and details within such arches.

I loved everything about this place.

The protection.

The peace.

The prosperity.


I grabbed the golden handles to my door and began to open it.

I paused in shock.

A rabbit.

A rabbit made of gold...

Oh dear...

I ran around the room trying to catch the rabbit. It ran around the room at high speeds. It had a tag around its neck with a golden ribbon.

It began to calm itself down and hopped to my feet.

"Poor fella," I said to myself as I picked it up.

I read the tag.

"Take this rabbit as a gift of hope. For the one and only Hope. I believe you can save the world. You have a pure heart. So please... take this gift. Take it with grace. Take it with hope."

I sat the rabbit down and it plopped on a pillow and minutes later went to sleep.

What a gift. What a gift. What a gift......

Thank you to whoever it was. I sat down on my bed and laid the sword by me.

I have hope now.

More hope than I could ever have.

Let's just hope it was enough.

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