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POV- Justice

I had formed somewhat of an alliance with Venetra. I wanted Asya to come back on her own but it had been at least two weeks since she came back. I watched the stars endlessly, just waiting for her to come back.

She didn't.

That broke my electric heart a little on the inside. It began to slow with each day without her. I began to realize after awhile that I'd eventually get over it.

"She still hasn't come back to you," Said Venetra stating the obvious.

"I know. How long till the deadline and we go after her ourselves?" I paced back and forth on the mirror waters.

"Hmm... I'm not necessarily sure. We agreed on two weeks. We have a few more days until then," Venetra said as she checked the digital countdown timer.

"Three days," I looked at the watch.

"Our time isn't looking good. Likewise I can reverse it a little longer if you'd like to keep hoping," she said sarcastically.

"I can't keep hoping for her ignorant self to come back. Should we just go after her now?" I sighed and looked at her.

"I'm not sure. We need to calculate it just right. If you'd like, we can wait one more day," she suggested gently.

"I'll agree to that," I nodded.

"Good. I'll see you in the morning. Be prepared to leave. We might have a battle tomorrow depending on the circumstances," She patted the patch on her white soldier uniform.

"I agree. I'll be prepared don't worry," I nodded to her.

"You better be," She began to float up into the sky and lay down mid-air.

I looked up at her floating there peacefully. Thing is, I was lucky. Not many people can say they've seen a celestial. Created by gravity itself. I would assume anyway. She's an ancient relic thats been alive for billions of years since the universe's existence. She's been alive since before music, life, and billions of other planets. What's it like being alive that long? Not able to die? Not having some of the qualities for a life form, yet she can live in the vacuum of space and time?

She can live without oxygen and can go for about a few years without eating. I didn't know how such magic was possible. I knew how I was created. I was created in a lab.

"Venetra are you still awake?" I paused thinking if I should say anything more. "I have a few questions for you..."

"Slightly. I don't usually ever sleep anyway. I don't have the choice to. Part of being a celestial is the universe itself decides if I wanna sleep. It's deciding I don't need it right now," I could hear her sigh. "You didn't wake me. I'm searching the universe with my powers."

"That's odd. How exactly do you live like that?" I looked up at her.

She didn't look at me.

"I don't necessarily live anymore. I might eat, sleep sometimes, and breathe... but I don't live. I protect, survive, and fly, but I don't live. I haven't been reminded that I'm actually existing in a very long time. Cyfrin reminded me that I actually am living. I never thought so myself," she said with a break in her voice.

"What was it like?" I asked her.

"What was what like?" She asked me back.

"Y'know... Before everything else existed? Billions of years before me. Before anything," I explained.

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