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POV- Perseus, Prince of flowers.

      I got news from some officials passing through my planet that there was a lockdown in the city of the cosmos. Narcissus' city. Knowing him he probably handled it either extremely horribly or extremely good.

Asya was asleep again and I kept monitoring over her. I'm not sure what happened to her in her past, but it seemed awful. Her breathing seemed like broken glass was running through her veins and into her lungs. I could sense light however. I'm not sure what that signified just yet, but it could be a solution to this disease.

      Venetra and Justice were a duo it seemed.

      "I would leave if I were you," I said to them both as I got out of the choke hold.

     "You can't do anything," Justice said bitterly.

     "Actually, I can. I don't think you know what I'm capable of," I gave them both a smug look.

      Something was wrong in my vine. There was eruption inside of it. Rising tension bubbled through the vine.

      Asya was awake.

     And I'm sure it wasn't good either.

      "You're breaking my contract. I might not know you that well, but this needs to stop or I'm going to have to fight," Venetra looked at me seriously.

     "I'm not fighting. You can fight, but you won't be fighting me," I laughed at her.

     "Well then. Who am I supposed to fight? The universe itself?" She seemed enraged.

     "No no. Her," I moved out of the way to see Asya looking enraged.

      "Perfect. I'll be taking her off your hands," Venetra clapped her white gloved hands together once.

      "No the hell you won't," Asya released a part of the virus and Venetra began to run.

     Justice looked shocked at her power. He saw the darkness and looked horrified.

     "Get back," she whispered to me, "What I'm about to do might damage you. Here's a protective layer!"

     She cast a field around me with some hints of darkness. I could see parts of a shockwave forming around her skin to the point where she would boil over. She had been holding it all inside. She began to hiss in pain and I felt awfully bad for her. I felt the vine snap with hints of rage as she began to blast a shockwave towards the direction of Venetra and Justice. They ran away from it as fast as possible, but the wave was faster.

     She screamed in pain as she forced more of the shockwave away towards them. I could start to see the beginnings of black tears falling out of her face. I felt horrible for her. I could see that she's done this type of pain many times before and it looked like she was extremely tired of it. The virus and darkness hissed inside her veins.

     I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped the field and protected myself in flowers. I ran towards her. It all felt like slow motion. I sprinted through the blasting and the hisses of the monster that ate at her. It screamed and yelled just as she did.

     I wrapped my arms around her and slammed her to the ground.

    "Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!" She cried out as she slammed her fists into the ground.

     "What's going on?" I worried for her. "Please tell me."

     "No. I'm not going to. You can't remove the sickness. It's hundreds of years too late for that," she spat black blood on the ground.

     "You're sick aren't you?" I backed away from her as the end of the shockwave snapped hundreds of miles in the distance.

     "Not just sick. Dying," she corrected me. "Slowly rotting away until the virus decides to take my mind."

"Well, what's going to cure you? If you don't answer me I'm going to figure it out," I lifted her to her feet.

"I've got to want to control it myself. My body cannot handle two differentiating powers for too long or else something will go wrong eventually. Whether it be in my DNA, my nervous system, or any type of feeling or digestion I have," She explained.

"Is there any way I can help?" I sighed in the thought of her pain.

"Not currently. The flowers help, so I would keep doing that," She coughed.

"Will do," I shrugged.

I looked up from her and at the damage. A lot if the trees died off and the grass was obliterated. My water systems were in a disastrous state. My planet looked to be in agony.

She saw me looking at the damages.

"That's a small representation of what my mind looks like Prince," she looked out at it.

"That's your natural power?" I looked at her in shock.

"Yes, it's killed lots of people before, but they don't know that I did it all," She chuckled as if it was a joke to her. Was it?

"Oh my," I was speechless.

"Yeah," she replied shortly.

"I'll get to healing this planet. You should get some rest Asya. I need to ponder some more," I shook my head.

"Can I ponder with you?" I saw her eyes showing in the midst of all the dark clothing she wore to cover her identity.

"Sure. Don't talk too much though," I said.

"I don't do much of that anyways," She said quietly.

I acknowledged her and began to sit inside of the peaceful bliss of my planet. Even though she caused a disaster, I wasn't mad at her or upset. I was relieved she got her anger out. I began to grow some of my healer flowers along the damaged zone to allow them to do their work. Flowers began popping up all around.

I never got to leave this planet. I always wondered what it was really like outside my atmosphere borders. Was there danger? Love? Anguish? Agony? I bet you there's things I've never heard of out there. Things we haven't seen or touched before. Different textures and tastes. All hold wonderful surprises.

Asya got rid of the people I disliked most for now.

And that was enough intelligence for me.

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