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POV- Ixtal

     The water is yours to control. Water will bend at your every will and touch. Be careful with it. Be safe. Do not abuse the water's power and be courteous.

      I spun my scythe and the water flowed with me. It spun around into my hair and throughout my mask. It was mine to control and protect. Water is precious to every living thing. You need it to survive and to be whole. Water is a catalyst at times and can make or break you. It is imperative that you learn to be the water's friend and not the enemy.

I spun the scythe around my body more and more. After awhile though, I began to slow down and rest it at my side. The water I stood in was blue with hints of purple. It was nighttime and the water brushed against my knees. My planet was similar to Vesta's.

Our planet had land. Small islands scattered throughout. Not much life existed. A few of my friends and acquaintances stayed on each of the islands and made sure order was correct. At nighttime if you're lucky, the water will turn into orbs and float throughout the skies. Each one will be a different color and shape.

      I walked along the soft sands with the water curling onto the shores.

     A purple shooting star flew across the skies out of the corner of my eye. My planet had managed to stay away from war for the most part. I called my planet Elysia. Not many people decided to visit. There was tons of creatures on my island. Serpents, dragons, and different types of creatures that were indescribable at the current moment. I waltzed into my hut and brewed myself some fruity tea.

I took a sip and watched the waters come to life. You had to let the waters be at peace. A rule of my island was to never disturb them. You let the waters come alive. You may watch, but never disturb. The plants came to life in the water and bloomed peacefully.

Tomorrow morning I would have to hunt. Don't give the creatures a painful death. Make it quick and painless. Life itself is a pain and they do not need more. Especially with what they do for us.

I took off my shoes and began to relax in my cot. The stars twinkled and I dreamed of other worlds. I missed Abanus. I missed Sereniti and Venetra. They visited me once. I took out some of my leftover creitn. Creitn was a type of creature here I enjoyed. I ate and wondered how everyone was. That was, if they were dead.

     I was sure they weren't. Venetra can't physically die that I know of. The rest are avid fighters as well as skilled.

     I took in a deep, humid breath. I got out of my cot and began to walk onto the magical sands outside my hut. My dress dragged along in the sand as I walked along in my bare feet. I carried my scythe peacefully at my side. I had some of my hair in a bun and the rest went down to my hips. My tail dragged along the sands.

      The bubbles of water floated out at the sea. Serpents and creatures of all looks and sizes floated inside them. Like a thousand planets that come to life in the midst of the darkness. They swam around peacefully, each making different sounds. Hums and hisses filled each bubble. I picked up my tail and sat down on the sands. I sat my tail back down to prevent myself from sitting on them.

     I took off my gloves and began to feel the sand beneath my hands. There wasn't much for me to do today except speak to some of the members. Ujakma had some flowers to plant at this time of night. He was one of my best island mates before he decided to go to the waters at night and move somewhere else. Once the flowers rooted, they'd bloom with orbs and a beautiful scent.

I had been training for war even after the universal war ended. Word spread around that a disease arose and it put the one and only golden knight to rest. That led me to worry. I had to prepare for something I could or couldn't see. What was best for now was to not worry and to keep the peace here. If there was sickness, it would be dealt with.

I wanted to keep the light here. Even with the gravity switches during day and night, we handled conflict peacefully and without harm.

Back to the flowers...

He would plant them and once they were ready to pick, he would use them for those of the creatures here that fell in love. Whether it be a couple of serpents or Ekkwa. Ekkwa had four arms and were very skilled at making scythes. They died off long ago but the great legend Venetra made them as well but she became too focused on saving others rather than the wellbeing of the universe itself. Word spread around that she finally found the king of music.


I was jealous of him and his beautiful music. During the war he would play the harp and it would spread all throughout the galaxy. It kept our spirits and motivations up. Without him, I'm sure we wouldn't of won the war. The war ended tragically and I fear that another will come again.

I could feel the life flowing throughout the planet. I felt the hums from the sands. The waters began to glow in front of my very eyes. The stars twinkled and I could see some faraway planets in the distance. The sky was my favorite part of the night on my planet. The peacefulness as well as the life that came with it. The floating waters and switching gravity. Everything here had a unique part.

That was the calmness here.



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