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POV- Catalyst

The storm that was consuming me from the inside out eventually began to leave every part of my body. I could sense Justice trying to get back to me. I felt a sense of weakness and a sense of strength in me at the same time. I didn't need saving. I began to fly further outside of the storm I released to try and get away from it. I get that Justice liked saving me, but I needed to score a few points for myself.

I could feel a slight breeze coming from Justice's opposite direction. Someone else was here. I didn't care at the moment. I needed to get out of the storm so that way I could treat my wounds. The virus was already taking some part of it from me. I had a few fractures but I could always take care of it later. I pulled the mask over my face and blasted outside of the storm's boundaries. I could feel two warm bodies flying up towards me. I sensed one was Justice but couldn't sense who the other was.

The aura seemed warm though. However, I was always cold and dead. I was merely a virus that was supposed to kill the real me off years ago. The virus makes me immortal. Even though it has caused me great pain, I have seen some beautiful things in my lifetime. Many nebulas I found while traveling the universe have blessed my eyes with the colors and shapes of them. I knew the universe was full of pain, but it's really what you make of it. I'd rather be the villain than the hero. It's all on how I taught myself about life.

     I looked down at the storm and saw the smooth lightning marks flashing around. Justice was looking for me. At this point, I couldn't control the storm due to my depleted energy. I was hovering currently with my wings while also trying to conserve energy. I could hear slight shouting from afar in the storm. It was Justice's voice. The slight breeze I felt got stronger and moved me slightly.

       After a few moments, the breeze grew into a stronger wind. A howl rose as the wind started to push the storm away.

     A privileged one. 

     Whoever it was had powers and that scared me. I sensed a warm aura from the individual so I hope it was some sort of Vigilante.

      Eventually the winds got stronger and I started to fly downwards so I wouldn't get hurt. The waters were not disrupted per usual so I tried to find the ripples of the water and where they came from. I wasn't paying too much attention and crashed into the ground. Some of my black blood bled out into the mirror. The mirror water worked it's magic on repairing my mistake and I was floating in and out of consciousness. My vision was a blur. I could hear ripples coming into my ear from really close. They were running quickly towards me.

"Asya... ASYA!" It was Justice. "WAKE UP!"

He shook me and I managed to blink my eyes to see him clearly. He had a worried expression on his face. The wind took me out.

"You okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure I'm fine," I said with a groan.

"Good. Does that storm with high winds usually happen or?" He questioned me.

"Yes. The storms usually happen, but not the wind. The wind came from a strong individual," I stated clearly.

"Privileged?" He asked further.

"Yes," I said as some of my bones popped.

He flipped me over and tried examining my wounds before I stopped him.

"I can take care of myself Justice," I said peacefully.

"Alright then," he said as he calmly backed away.

"We should be worried about who found us," I stated to him in an apologetic way.

      "You're right," he sighed and looked around.

      I couldn't sense or feel any ripples anymore. So either the individual left or isn't moving anymore. I could feel the slight breeze again though. Whoever it was was still here. I slowly got up to my feet and spit out some black blood from my mouth onto the ground. The blood swirled around in the mirrored water and I looked up to see a figure gracefully walking towards us. It had a mirrored look and I could barely see it. It's outfit was purely reflective. I had a hard time spotting it. It moved extremely slow and I couldn't see it that well. What matters was that I spotted it before it had a chance to attack.

      It shot gusts of wind our way and thats when I figured out it's powers. It had wind. It had sharp, reflective, and smooth armor that allowed it to blend in with anything. The figure looked to be a male but I wasn't sure due to the mask and small slits for eyes. Justice tried getting in front of me but I pushed him to the side.

      The red reflected off of the individual as he moved further towards us with gentleness.

      I continued to study the individual as Justice began to question me more.

      "You know that thing?" He said pointing.

      "No. No I don't," I said annoyingly while putting his arm down.

     "Just asking questions," he said as he scoffed at me.

      "Ask later," I said while grinding my teeth.

     "Do you have a heart Asya?" He turned to me.

      "Don't know. Last I checked I had one," I shrugged.

      "And when was that?" He gave me a small glare of frustration.

      "About 300 or so years ago," I replied.

      "I have one. I've known it forever. Why do you think I keep saving you?" He scoffed at me.

      "For your own character and for you to think you're the hero when really you're not," I told him blankly.

     "What do you mean?" he said with a hint of hurt in his tone.

      "You know. When I found you, I felt the jealousy of those two hugging. You didn't have that. I saved you from hurting more," I explained to him.

       "Makes sense. You deal with this then," Justice said as he stepped behind me.

      The individual stood a few feet away from me. Taller for sure but I couldn't tell much else. There was a mighty aura about this individual.

     "Hello," it was a robotic voice.

      "Greetings," I said looking up at the figure

      He was a fair deal taller than I was.

      "Intelligent words. May I see your face?" It asked with the robotic voice being elegant and gentle.

      "I'm afraid not," I stated calmly.

      "May I ask why?" It stated calmly.

      "Don't trust you. I haven't exactly seen you or your name either," I crossed my arms.

      "Ah my apologies. Allow me to introduce myself," It chuckled.

     "I'm the Catalyst," I said introducing myself.

      "Well in that case," it said with a robotic sigh.

     I looked at it confused.

      "What's your name?" I asked it politely.

      "Well I'd like to think of it as a nice name," it said down to me.

      "Tell me your name," I said less polite this time.

      "Alright if you insist," it said taking off its mask.

      It was a man. He had long hair. It was dark to blonde and he had dark eyes. A really dark brown I would say. Maybe even black.

      He took in a breath and said it.





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