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Venetra's POV

I don't know how I ended up with the power and wisdom I did . I just ended up here y'know? I have my own planet. There isn't much here. Its like Earth's canyon, but a darker and lighter blue marbling with each other. I usually sit on top of one of the bigger canyons by this tall twisty dead tree. I light a lantern and look up at the stars. I just like to think that there's people out there ruling kingdoms, fighting wars light years away, falling in love, Making friends, and so much more.

     All that sounds pleasant, but here I sit with my arms around my knees watching the stars. I sit. I Watch. I float. I look at the sky and from time to time I'll float through the space in between worlds. Which is exactly what I did after that. After I looked at the sky A hole opened up in the ground and I went through. Straight into space. You feel nothing. You see nothing. Hear nothing. You float. Heres the catch; once you learn to control this power I hold, you can fly.

     I opened the portal back again to fly through the canyons of my planet. It was truly breathtaking. Although there was no air, I felt along the different colors of the canyon as I flew down. The jewels and rubies glowed at the bottom as I felt the energy flow into my hands.

     It had all happened so sudden. The portal had opened. Reality had opened up before me. The entire universe. I could see it all. It had begun. My job and destiny had begun. I was the guardian between the worlds. I had a world of my own too.

     Worlds of gold, life, culture, magic, battles, war, and hardship lay in front of me.

     And that was truly... Ineffable.

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