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POV- Perseus, Prince of Flowers

What ever happened to thinking? I wondered infinitely almost all the time. I don't think I would ever know what the universe had in store for me and that bothered me. I had some time to think since the dark figure was asleep in my spare temple quarters. I didn't have the disrespect to take away the dark clothing on it. I jumped from ledge to ledge, climbing up the flower covered stones. Each bloomed and glowed a different color. It was nighttime again and all was quiet.

I finally reached the top of my temple. Little did people know it was poorly constructed. It was mainly held together by my flowers. My sunshine constructed it for my hundreds of years ago. Where did she go?

She was out in the universe somewhere...

I began to go back to my pondering. Planets spun everywhere in the universe. All of them light years apart. Stars made of gases and dust. Black holes swallowing up everything they desire. The amount of lifeless space inside the universe. If you get lucky, there might just be a piece of life or two. Yesterday I just got lucky enough to come across a seemingly peaceful one. The universe works in wonderful ways...

I had a medical flower attached to it. It seemed to have a heartbeat. It was a struggling heartbeat and I didn't know what was the matter. I kept the vine with me to check it's heartbeat as much as possible. I was somewhat of a medic of the universe myself. I just kept to myself for the most part. Something about this individual seemed different. Something was disastrous and wild... Yet something seemed awfully peaceful with it.

The Catalyst...

What powers do you behold?

You are one of the mysteries of the universe. I don't know how you were created. Everything must come from something else. Some things I could ponder were maybe black holes?

Or a supernova from a huge dark star. What planet did you originate from? What was under the darkness of that clothing? Something in my gut also told me to not take it off either. Something told me it was too dangerous to do so. The individual seemed tired. I could tell from the small heartbeats and some hissing inside of the vines.

I left a bowl of sundew flower droplets by it's bedside. This individual could give me some clues as to where it came from, where my sunshine could be, and so many other possibilities in the universe itself. It might help me stop my wondering and to get a grip on what the universe truly holds for my existence.

I think I had some purpose with the catalyst. To be some heroine figure, but I could never put my finger on it just yet. That was the miracle about time. The miracle and wonder about time, is that it's both infinite and finite. It goes forward and never backwards. We can see backwards, but we can't go there. We can't see the future, but we travel there anyway. It is often truly magical and ineffable in my opinion. My planet slowly rotated and I saw the magic of the galaxy before me.

      Something told me her creation came from a black hole. I could sense powerful energies from the flowers I used. The figure reflected no light and emitted no light, just like a black hole would. Extreme amounts of power in this individual's veins could have come from a black hole. Most couldn't comprehend it. All these clues that came from the flowers themselves lead to the possibility of this individual coming from the darkness. Somewhere in the infinite darkness of the universe itself.

     I decided to use some of the flower's energy to wake it up. I couldn't find the individual. I looked around to see the catalyst standing there in the moonlight.

     A black figure.


      Mysterious and holding information from the outside world.

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