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POV- Narcissus

I had to travel to a new planet today and I needed to bring Abanus with me for some backup. I didn't have the strongest powers out there so I'm sure I would appreciate the assistance if things got ugly. He had a lot of brute strength to him. He was gathering his hammer and armor to get ready for our trip ahead. I had Antonio prepare some flight arrangements for our departure. We had to go to an exile planet. Nobody had been there in a very long time, but we had reports of some life being reported there. For right now, we called the planet X320.

X320 was a few light years out of the city's way. Abanus collected the rest of his belongings and I gathered what I had of mine. I put on a purple rose on the right side of my suit. I did a black suit with purple veins running through today. I put on some gloves and I did not do my hair. I let it run wild for the day. All in it's wavy motions.

Abanus and I got down the elevators, and began to speed walk through the gambling halls to my garage.

"What do you think we're in for?" Abanus asked in a serious tone.

"Not sure yet. Gotta expect anything," I said with a shrug as we walked.

     "You're right," he started off with a huff, "let's get moving. Gotta get there as soon as we can."

      "Understood," I replied.

     We pushed out the spinning glass doors and found the ship.

      "Good luck and safe travels on your trip!" Antonio shouted to us.

     "Thank you," we both said in unison.

      Antonio nodded towards us in approval and we shut the purple glass on the top of the cockpit.

      "So why purple huh? I noticed that's your theme?" Abanus asked with a shrug.

      "Purple is a very dangerous color. Shows your better than everyone else," I scoffed at him.

      "Okay then?" He said with a questioned expression. "let's get moving."

      "Yes. Launch sequence start," I said as I began to flip switches.

Abanus flipped some of the flight switches with me and we began to prepare for light speed takeoff. The aircraft began to lift up and off the streets. We turned to the side to get out of the narrow buildings and to get out of the city. We turned upright near the atmosphere and saw our directions. We both grabbed our handles for the speed and cranked it up gradually until we started to hit space. We both flew back in our seats and Abanus shook the spacecraft a bit with his brute strength.

"I apologize," he stated calmly.

     "You are just fine," I stated calmly back.

      We floated for awhile throughout space while I kept an eye out for meteors and dangers along the way. When flying you had to be careful with everything, especially if you weren't privileged.

      You can lose air in an instant.

      We flew for a few when Abanus began to talk.

"What do you think is going to happen?" He asked in a low tone.

"I'm not sure. I gotta be prepared for anything. I'm not supposed to care much. I don't know what's happened to my mind, but to answer your question, I will answer fire," I started, "I haven't seen someone with a fire power."

"I guess so," He replied, "I would say something to deal with plants."

"Good guess," I replied coldly.

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