Glass Storms

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POV- Catalyst

     I woke up screaming and crying. I was back home. Thing is, I didn't like home. It makes me feel like worse of a person than I already am. Before I tell whats going on here. I'd like to tell my story.

It all began when I was created.

Born screaming and crying. The Glass storm would cut up my skin until I couldn't bear it anymore. I would be shot and stabbed until my crying and screaming wasn't enough. I had to fight back. I had no help. I had punches thrown at me by unknown sources. I was electrocuted and burned. I learned later on that other creatures in the galaxy didn't have it like I did.

     I began to grow cold. I began to become a catalyst, born out of chaos and misery. Devoid of the good emotions like happiness and love.

It was then and only then I discovered the virus. I started covering myself in dark and gloomy clothes. I made sure to keep myself concealed. No one would know who I was or how long I'd been alive for. I trained to become strong and resilient to extreme pains. With each training session with myself, I grew stronger. All on the planet with glass storms.

I began to have a deep hatred for happiness because everyone else had it and I never did. I began causing trouble once I learned to leave my own planet. Training harder and harder. Forcing myself beyond my limits. Every time I was caught or lost, I'd turn into a pile of virus dust. Black dust. I would be returned to my planet to undergo pain and misery once again.

     I began to train with weapons now that my power was stronger than ever. My favorite first weapon I used was the staff. Then the spear... anything with a pole was my favorite. I learned to like fire.

     Soon I began to control the storm too. Though,
that only happened when I was angry. A rare emotion of mine. I was born with pain. I was born to hate happiness. No family. No friends. Just insanity, misery, and pain.

     No identity.


    I was in the storm again.

    The shitty fucking storm.

     I turned the storm into a ball and stuffed it in one of my necklaces. It takes a lot of my concentration. My clothes were ripped and torn. I began to repair my clothes and pockets. I made myself some new chains. I re-laced my boots and stood up. I looked at my injuries and I didn't have too bad this time.

     I wrapped bandages around my knife cuts from my previous battle. I had some bruises and I took my medical bag out after I saw them. I used some herbal teas to drink. I should be fine after this. I will return to the other planets to fight. To continue my mission. I covered my face again with a cloth black mask. The virus would help me see.

     The land around me was a mirror. That's what happened to the land with all the storms that happened without my control while I went out to the other worlds. The sky was red and the mirror saw me in a red light. Whenever I walked, the mirror would ripple.

     I could name my powers on my fingers.

     Shockwaves, Virus, controlling of storms, and extreme resilience to pain.

     All the pain of the past and I had to handle it on my own.

     I had a friend once...

    She was the best. We would travel together and she made me realize that the happiness was real. Her name was Julius. She had no power or immortality. She was normal. But to me she was special. She taught me lots.

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