The Sound of Healing

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POV - Venetra

     The planet had people falling into deep sleeps or sicknesses. The town was quiet and people were hibernating or quarantining wherever possible. I had my mask on covering my entire face so I was safe.

The man was leading the way. He looked in the shop windows at the people falling into a slumber. We walked along the streets more and more. I sprinkled flowers from a faraway planet along the town roads. This would help them wake up. I needed to ignite the fires in their hearts. I knew what sickness this was. I was in that same slumber. I knew how to fight it. I had to go through plenty to become a guardian.

I could sense the nightmares they were all having. Sickness and hatred was eating at their souls. Monstrous creatures ravaged this planet spiritually. I could see the plants dying off and wilting to sleep.

"What do you think is happening here miss?" Itti started, "My name is Itti by the way."

I couldn't say my name.

"Sickness. A plague of hate has ravaged your land," I said calmly.

"What can fix it? I wanna help," he said with sorrow.

"There's two ways. If it's as bad as I am seeing, we are going to need to go with measure two," I said putting my gloved hand on his shoulder.

"What is it?" He looked up at me.

"Music. These people need music. Or they'll need herbal medicine from a planet I know of far away." I didn't want to travel that far just yet so for right now I had to try music.

"I trust you'll do well," said Itti.

We came up to a small castle where Itti lived. He walked up the steps and turned some knobs on the side. The castle had vines all over it. The vines had the orbs i used for my lanterns.

"The monsters haven't gotten here yet. Come on miss," He grabbed my hand and led me inside with the stone doors opening.

He shut the door with force and led me up to a room where there was a window that overlooked the town.

"I'm sorry I cannot know your name miss. Please help the people. My family has died and I won't be afraid to risk my life to help you.

I said nothing. The man had lost so much. He looked so young. I had been alive a very long time but he looked like he had learned so many lessons from the people he lost. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Do you have any instruments? If not I have some," I said, Patting him on the back as I kneeled on the carpet.

"I have no instruments. I apologize miss," he said sadly.

"No worries," I said as I brought out a magical violin.

My friend was not here currently. He would play a lot better music. My violin had swirls that glowed a light blue in the dark. I grabbed my bow and prepped to play. It had been awhile since I had healed this many people. I used my smoothing stone on it. I was all knowing. Omniscient. Although there was places I hadn't traveled in the galaxy, I had known a lot about places other planets couldn't travel to. I was very fortunate.

Once I finished with my violin and preparing to play, I played a small tune. The glowing blue dust spread throughout the air, lighting the darkness. I could feel a lift in the atmosphere. A small number of people came out of one of the stores. They looked tired and looked around.

They had sickness in their hearts that was being cured.

I decided to play my favorite tune. I played a song the dead guardians had played for me. The Merry go round of life. I usually played some of it on the piano but I couldn't bring it with me so the violin would do.

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