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POV- Xandyr

I sat up in my room making my supplements.

I was one of the greatest doctors in this universe. More than a doctor. I am a sorcerer. Someone who can control medicine better than any other. Someone who can find a cure almost immediately. Lately I heard of a virus that was destroying worlds. I was extremely determined to stop it with Hope. She pushed me to be a better doctor and sorcerer than anyone ever had.

She sat next to me enjoying her supplements.

"This should help you get better," I said reassuring her.

     "Thank you," she said politely as she sipped her tea.

"Of course your majesty," I said.

"You can call me Hope," she said smiling at me.

"Well then. Of course Hope," I said smiling back.

"I would like to take you on a tour of the palace," she insisted.

"Well that is an offer I cannot refuse," I said with a smile.

She took my hand and led me down the stairs of my house. We stepped out into the streets and people parted their way for us. She was royalty. People here didn't have to step out of the way for royalty. They stepped out of the way because she had kindness in her soul. Though I could sense something was wrong with her.

     We walked throughout the streets of the city and eventually we reached the golden steps. Her boots echoed as she ran up the steps and let go of my hand. She threw open the doors and gestured for me to come inside. I don't care what anyone said. She was perfect. No no. She IS perfect!

While running to her hallway she shouted without looking at me, "WAIT HERE!"

I stood there in awe waiting for her. I wonder what she was doing. A few maids rushed to her room with some supplies. I could not make them out because of how far down the hallway was.

She came out about 30 minutes later wearing one of the most beautiful dresses I had ever seen. It was golden and long.

It twirled and rippled when she walked.

"Hey again," I said smiling at her.

"Hey," she said smiling back.

"Care to dance?" she said with gentleness.

"Of course," I said as she grabbed my hand.

I put my hand on her waist and we waltzed around. She didn't look in my eyes but she seemed pleased. She spun around and we waltzed around the room more.

"I'm enjoying this quite well," she said with a smile.

     "Me too," I said smiling back.

      Her hair swayed with every twirl. She stopped and called out for the guards. One ran to play the harp and another to play some tunes on a guitar.

     She danced with me awhile more. She paused after a long while of dancing.

     "I'm sick," she said with her smile fading.

     "What?" I said confused.

     "I'm Sick... I'm sick Xandyr..." The smile had faded.

     "How? You look fine don't you?" I asked worried.

     "I might LOOK fine, but I don't FEEL fine," she said with a stammer.

     "I understand. Lucky for you, I am a medic and Sorcerer," I said with a smile to try and brighten her mood.

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