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POV- Catalyst

     I woke up to some light on my face. I walked around the house and grabbed my clothing and layered it on. Layer by layer I finished a few minutes later.

     I was pretty tired still but my injuries had healed.

     I sensed Happiness.





     It was extremely far... So far that I could barely even sense it.

     But I could feel it. It was strong. However, it was billions of years away. I quickly gathered my things and stuffed them in my satchel.

     I wasted no time to destroy this happiness.

     I began to fly with everything I had. I had my wings and my supplies. I flew faster and faster until I got into space. The city was beginning to fade behind me. I did feel happiness but I also felt jealousy and hurt somewhere along it.

     I spun around in the vacuum of space. It was quiet and peaceful. Something I really liked about space in general. Not many things were a bother to you. You felt the darkness around if you took the time to sense it.

I flew across planets and plenty of asteroids. Each of them a different texture, color, and temperature. Space was pretty cold though. It made sense though because not much survives in the vacuum of space. Unless you are privileged with a power, you will die within seconds.

     I was lucky to be privileged. I had a pretty powerful power as well.

I could see cracks in some parts of space as I flew around. Meaning someone had traveled through there. I used my dark powers to try and re open the portal since it seemed pretty recent. Maybe like an hour or so. The darkness slipped through the white cracks and began to open the barrier.

I started flying through the barriers in the galaxy. I made sure to close them so that way nobody knew what secrets this world hid. Even I didn't know as much as others did.

After an hour or so of flying, I was pretty sure I found the place. It seemed like the Place. I felt the happiness and some hints of sorrow or jealousy. It could've been both.

I started to fly into the planet and to tear through its barrier. It wasn't too hard since this planet seemed like a lighter planet. I landed in the fields and felt the ground beneath my boots. I saw two people hugging. Where was the jealousy? Where was the sorrow?

     I walked around in silence without them seeing me in the darkness.

     It was then I found the sorrow.

     It was then...

     I found the sadness.

     The jealousy and heartache.

    There was a man lying on the ground in the soil. I could sense the heartache.

He had some lightning bolts embedded into his skin. They had a faint glow to them.

They glowed on.....

And off...

I lifted him up and I could send the power inside of him.

I did not want to disturb the couple's happiness for now. I had more matters to focus on. I needed to make sure this tortured soul was okay.

I began to fly up while he was cradled asleep in my arms. He was a deep sleeper. I could sense he was in peril. He had a happy heart that I could tell and it might just be my saving grace.

     Something to help me forget about Julius.

     He was heavy. My wings could keep up though. We began to leave the atmosphere away from the couple. They brought him there to make him realize he was alone I was sure.

I flew through the skies with him and I would bring him to my planet. I'm sure he would be safe there. I only had to fly further because I didn't know how to open portals. I didn't think it was in my skill arsenal to open them anyway.

We flew along for awhile at the highest speed that I could go. He was still in a deep sleep. I felt a bit of pity for him.

I saw my planet. It was clouded in darkness to keep me hidden from the waking world. I flew through the clouds and saw the great mirror. The sky was red and it reflected off of both of us.

I laid him down in the small, thin sheet of water. His eyes moved and slowly blinked his way awake.

He looked alarmed so I backed away from him to show him I wasn't any harm.

"Who are you," he said in a panic.

I decided to speak for the first time in years to a person.

"I'm the Catalyst and I saw you were suffering... So I saved you," I sighed.

"Not your name. You. Who are YOU?" He stood up.

"I don't catch what you're trying to say," I said confused.

"Show me your face," he said.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," I said shaking my head.

"Why not?" He said tilting his head a bit.

"Nobody's ever seen it," I said.

"I'm sure its not that bad," he replied.

"I never take it off myself. Why would I take it off for you," I said.

"I'm not sure on that one. From what I hear you have a more feminine voice," he explained.

"Fine," I started, "you promise not to tell anyone?"

"Yes," he replied.

I took off my mask and my black, curly hair spread down to my shoulders. The man looked at me in awe.

"W-what's your name?" he asked in shock.

"I don't know. I've never had one. I just call myself the Catalyst," I replied confusingly.

"Well alright. I'm Justice, nice to meet you," he said holding out his hand.

I was confused to what he was gesturing to.

I slapped his hand.

"No no. You shake my hand. It's a form of greeting," he laughed.

I shook his hand confusingly. It felt firm and nice.

"Well now that that's over with, care to give me a tour of your planet?" He said with a hint of hope in his voice.

"Of course. Can you fly?" I asked.

"Yes I can," he said as he began to fly.

I began to fly too.

"Good," I paused, "now follow me."

I flew around straight into the storm of glass that there was in my home. He trailed me as well. We flew together.

I found a friend.

I found a partnership.

And maybe just maybe... My spark of happiness might return.

Thank you Justice. Thank you...

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