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POV- Sereniti

     Trouble was arising on my planet. The two visitors were out of my hands now. I got off of my berzerkonia and started to wander back into my castle. I was layered up from the cold since the sun here is extremely far. We still have an atmosphere, but yet its freezing here.

     As long as I layered up I was fine. There was war brewing on the other side of the planet. I sent soldiers to scout it out earlier this morning before the visitors came and went. Part of me felt a sinking worry settle inside of my flesh. Would we win if this war even broke out? War at this point is avoidable, maybe even negotiable. I just had to think about the other side and what they would be willing to give up. For either side to ignore each other? I was an avid fighter for sure. I didn't wanna lose the population my kingdom had. I had to stay cool in the head despite my rising tensions on the other side of thr planet. I paced around and thought about a course of action.

      I stormed up to my room. I started rummaging througj my chests and shelves for supplies to leave and negotiate with this evil. I pulled on my mask for the blizzards and gathered my hooks for the freezing cliffs. I grabbed my sword, axe, riding gear, and other riding gear. I swung open the frozen doors of the palace and was immediately met by one of the scouts by surprise. He was shocked to see me in my gear.

      "M-ms! My partner is waiting for you down at the bottom of the cliffs. How long will you be gone?" He looked concerned.

      "As far as the being gone is concerned, I'm not quite sure. I will meet him down there. Thank you," I gave him a cold stare behind my mask.

     "Yes my queen," He bowed to me.

     "Right now it's general," I looked down at him.

      "Yes General," He saluted instead.

     He opened the doors for me as I stormed out and scaled down the cliffs to the town. I jumped off the majority of the cliff and landed in the powdery snow. The other scout handed me my berzerkonia and I immediately jumped on.

      "Be careful out there general," he saluted to me.

      "Will do," I said as I rode off in a hurry.

      I sped through the forests with the berzerkonia gripping each trunk of the crystal forest and zipping through each and every one. We zipped into the flat snowlands. The snow kicked up in my face, yet I stayed focused. I was going to make this deal. I would do whatever was needed to make some form of peace with these creatures even tho they were on the other side of the planet.

     No. Matter. What.

      POV- Justice.

      A lot of me was worried about Asya. She was under the influence of Perseus. She wasn't worried one bit about me anymore. My heart was hurt. Venetra was off with Cyfrin again. I sat back on the peaceful planet where nothing goes wrong and looked up at the blue sky. I was rageful about my situation. I cut my hair out of spite. I felt so hurt that she left me so quickly. What did I ever do wrong? Did I not take away her pain that well? I was so confused by her.

She defied so many laws and physics that I had come to realize existed. She had many powers that only I could study or understand. Did the prince of flowers know such secrets to her now too? Asya had deeply angered me, but what could've been if I would've actually fought for her? Many of my predictions came to some sort of conclusion that she came from somewhere unknown. My first thought was a black hole. I didn't know whether to go find her again or to stay here. The last resort would be to go back to the prison where I originated. In my opinion, that would be the dumbest thing I could do. If Asya could defy laws of physics, destroy things in her path at the slightest tick of anger, and still manage to keep herself hidden, then my first theory would be correct.

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