City of the Cosmos

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POV- Narcissus

I sat in my chair with a drink in my hand. Champagne to be exact. I listened to far away music from the partying on the lower floors. I looked out the window at some of the near planets.

"May I take your drink for you Mr. N?" My maid had appeared.

I handed her the drink and she walked off. She knew I was the quiet asshole type. I don't speak unless someone needs a set of words shoved down their throat.

I rubbed my eyes and began to sit back down. Ever since I had gotten my power, I had felt empty. As if... My heart wasn't there? Or as if I turned into a shell of a man.

A big pile of cash lay there on my table. I was rich and wealthy. I had the power of this city. People from every world come here thinking that this is a place where hope lives and flourishes. As foolish as they are, this never happens. The hope dies and they fall into the seduction of jobs and debts.

I personally never fell into the trap. I am neither the villain nor the hero. I am kind to some whilst I am an asshole to others. I waltzed towards the door and opened it for the maid.

"Here's another glass of champagne for you sir," She said as she walked out.

I set down the champagne as I heard the constant snapping between worlds. I walked into the bathroom and started gelling up my hair. I washed my face down and ironed my suits. I put on a darker purple suit and looked at myself in the mirror. Always good looking.

I stepped into the elevator down to the garage. I picked a purple Bentley. I hopped in the car and started to warm it up before I drove off. I waited in traffic with a cigarette in my mouth. I looked up at the sky and saw a shooting star pass by. Though, it wasn't white it was purple.

I drove forward to my main office and turned into the lot. I locked my car as I stepped out. I opened the door to the office and walked in to grab a few papers. Some of the TVs were left on by staff and I had to turn them off. I grabbed my papers and walked out the doors and turned out the lights in my office.

     I parked in the garage when I saw my assistant Antonio. He is a well trusted friend of mine and usually helps out with my cars. I handed my keys to him.

     "Hey Narcissus, good day at the office?" He had my keys in hand.

     "Yes Antonio, profits have grown," I stated calmly.

     "Well then, I'll let you enjoy your day. Farewell Narcissus," he said walking away.

     "Goodbye Antonio," I said walking to my elevator.

     I rose up the elevator calmly with small music playing in the background. I stepped out and I found my keys were polished and neatly hung up on the wall. Damn Antonio needed a raise. I would have to schedule it for later.

     I took a sip of my champagne and sat back down on my chair and looked back out the window. I could see gunshots and bombs on one of the lesser known streets far away in the suburbs outside the city. Another day, another death.

    That's what you get when you work in the city of the cosmos.

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