Now that he was completely shirtless, I glanced at his jeans next, wondering if I could handle the awkwardness of taking those off. If sober Sebastian were to see me doing all this, he'd never let me live this down. I'd be hearing, 'You're the ultimate pervert jokes to the end of the century.

Figuring I shouldn't let my pride get in the way of his comfort, I took off his shoes first. Then quickly reached for the fly of his jeans, I quickly unbuttoned it before pulling the zip down as well. My heart was beating ragingly hard at this point from the embarrassment alone.

Sebastian hiccuped. "Why are you removing my pants for me, Phoebe," he mumbled as I started tugging the waistband of his jeans down.

Already humiliated enough, my face felt like it was on fire now. "Because they're dirty and I don't want you messing up my bed," I answered back.

With a bit of struggle, I finally managed to get his jeans to slide off his legs, leaving him only in his black boxer briefs. It wasn't the first time I'd seen him in only his underwear, but it still caused a wave of embarrassment to wash right over me.

"Okay, let's get you into bed now," I said as I started to pull the covers back.

Assisted by me, Sebastian did a weird half-roll, half-crawl to get under the covers. Once he was actually in, I leaned over him so I could tuck the covers in tight. He grabbed my wrist, mid-action. "Phoebe?" he said.

"Hmm," I mumbled, stopping to look down into his eyes. The look he was giving me caught me off guard, finding it surprisingly tense and distracting.

"Come lie with me tonight? I want to hold you,"

Feeling robbed of words, I just stared into his eyes feeling like I was in a daze. Finally coming to my senses, I slowly shook my head. "I'll be in the room not far away, but the bed's just for you tonight, okay," I explained softly.

"No," Sebastian said, keeping my arm in a rigidly tight grip. I tried to pull away from him, then eventually had to resort to prying his fingers one by one free from my wrist.

Once finally free, I looked down at him and gently brushed his hair away from his eyes. "Now sleep," I said gently.

By some stroke of a miracle, Sebastian took one last look at me before slowly closing his eyes. Satisfied, I turned around and headed for my chest of drawers for something to wear to sleep. Figuring it didn't really matter if drunk Sebastian saw me getting changed or not since he was so far out of it, I just stripped down to my underwear by the side of the room before putting on my black cami top and shorts.

As I took a glance back at Sebastian in bed, I saw he was still watching me through half-slitted sleepy eyes. Typical, even in drunk form, he still remembered to be a pervert.

Switching off the light, I crouched down to the floor and laid down on all the blankets and cushions I'd left for myself. It wasn't really ideal, but I wasn't really left with much of a choice.

Closing my eyes, I let sleep wash over me and pushed all worries of what tomorrow might bring me to the back of my mind.

"Phoebe?" I heard a voice call. I groaned and rolled over in annoyance. "Phoebe, wake up," a voice called slightly louder.

Finding myself a little more away, I begrudgingly peeked open my eyes just a little bit through squinted eyes. It was only as I got a first look at my room, did I realize I was sleeping on the floor. Glancing over to my bed, I saw Sebastian sitting up with messy bed hair while staring at me through very confused and disorientated looking eyes.

Remembering what happened last night, I immediately sat up. "Oh, hi, you're awake," I said, as I tried rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"How did I get in your room? I was at a party last night" Sebastian asked, as he looked me up and down in confusion.

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