Chapter 106

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*Month later*

*Marshall POV*

"These samples are doing nothing! They give me no help" I shout out in frustration.

"Woah Marshall, calm down, why don't you go for your daily link" Ron the science guy suggests.

"Yeah, sure, see you later" I say frustrated and throw my gloves in the bin. I walk through the base we made to the link shack. I get a series of heys as I enter and give my pleasantries and head to my link pod. I get in and Mike asks me if i'm ready. I give him the thumbs up and he closes the lid and presses the link button.

Ive done this a couple times now so i'm pretty much used to it. I wake up in my avatar body and stand up. I walk out into the Pandoran air and breathe it in. When the ships landed the last time they came they burned down a pretty large amount of the forest to ash so we landed in the same place to prevent the na'vi noticing we were back.

I walk out onto the ashy ground and go on my usual walk nearby looking for new samples. The general spoke of a scientist called Grace who learned a lot just from examining the environment so that's what i've been doing....for the past month. And i've learnt nothing!

I collect a few plant samples I find along my way and then I notice an animal ahead of me. We haven't seen any animals since landing here. I grab my knife from my pocket and slowly approach it. All I need is a blood sample. This will be great progress for our research! I lunge at the animal and it runs but not before I clip it on the leg with my knife. It runs away squealing and I head back to the ship.

I get back in and give all my samples to Mike and ask him to get them to my research desk for me and I get in the link chamber to get back to my human body. I do the link and come out the pod and practically run to my desk. I examine all my findings and i'm amazed at them. I show them to Ron and he agrees they are good.

"That animal was amazing, it was like a horse Ron, it had the instincts to run from danger but was so calm at the same time" I explain to Ron.

"Live examinations are very useful" Ron says as a passing comment.

"They are... aren't they" I say thinking.

I leave my desk and head to the generals office. I knock the door and he shouts for me to enter. I greet him and he offers me to sit down.

"Sir, I know what I need for my research" I start as I sit down.

"Well?" he asks intrigued.

"I need to study the na'vi to be able to understand their weaknesses" I explain.

"Yes?..." he goes on.

"The plant samples and stuff round here is doing nothing Sir, we are learning nothing. But if I was to have live samples...." I say.

"Wait let me get this right..." he starts.

"You want to be with the na'vi to learn more about them?" he finishes.

"Well not exactly, from what ive heard Jake Sully already did that, they will never allow another member of the RDA in. But I do need live samples... live specimens" I continue.

"What exactly are you getting at Marshall?" he asks.

"I want the team to go and extract a na'vi from the environment for me to run experiments on and learn more for the mission" I let it out.

"Hmmm... what if they notice?" he asks.

"From my studies there are tens of thousands of na'vi just in the forest, they wont notice one missing" I say.

"Fine" he says and picks up his phone "I need a team to go out in the field"

He puts the phone back down and nods to me that it's done.

"Thank you sir" I say walking out.

I go and meet the team at the door and link back up to my avatar body. We explore the forest, only on the outskirts and look for a lone na'vi and try to be as discrete as possible.

After about an hour of searching we see a na'vi on his own and it looks like he is hunting. Lyle gets his dart gun and shoots the navi with a tranquilliser and he falls down. The team grab him and we make our way back to the ship.

After an hour he finally wakes up and the team had strapped him down to a table for me. He speaks out in the na'vi language and I speak it back to him.He seems surprised I know the language. I start performing the tests and getting all the samples I need for my experiments.

Me and Ron spend days looking at the results and learning more and more everyday. The general uses torture techniques on the na'vi to try and get information out of him but he will not spill a single secret. He eventually pushes too hard and the specimen deceases.

"What a shame, we could have gotten so much information from him" the general says.

"Where am I going to get samples from now? We have learned so much just from this one na'vi" I stress to the general.

"We will get you another one" he states.

Suddenly a dangerous cycle starts. We go through na'vi after na'vi. Each one lasting longer than the last. And my results getting better and more thorough. Over a month we go through four na'vi. But none of them will let on any information on the whereabouts of y/n and Jake for the general. One thing I have learned is they are very loyal.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora