Chapter 48

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*Neteyam POV*

I've spend everyday at the cave grieving. I can't process that she is gone. I thought I was going to live the rest of my life with her. She was the one. Now she's gone. I feel empty. Like my chest has a hole in it. Like part of me is gone.

I get up and decide to go see her. I miss her.

I dive into the water and swim back to the village.

I get back and walk out the water, I ignore the stares I get from everyone in passing and make my way to y/n's hut. I stand in the entrance and in the hut is Tonowari, Ronal, Tsireya, Aonung, Nuwani and Lo'ak.

Lo'ak looks at me wide eyed. I ignore him and sit at the other side of y/n. I grab her hand and stroke her hair.

"Are you okay bro?" Lo'ak asks me. I look up at his red eyes and back to y/n.

"Bro, talk to me" he says.

I shoot him daggers.

"What?" he questions me.

"You know what Lo'ak" I hiss.

"I don't bro" he says annoyed.

"Take it outside boys, we're trying to grieve" Ronal says coldly.

Tonowari shows us out.

Aonung and Tsireya follow us outside to the beach.

"Now look what you've done, we can't even see her" I hiss.

"You're the one ignoring me, I was just asking if you were good" Lo'ak hisses back.

"Am I good? Am I good Lo'ak? Seriously?" I hiss.

"Bro, we all miss her, we get it" Lo'ak replies.

"It's your fault Lo'ak!" I hiss in anger.

"You wanted to go and warn Payakan! You wanted to get spider after I saved you both! You said you would save her!" I say in anger with water filled eyes.

"What?" Aonung pipes in.


"I want to go, I can help" I beg.

"Neteyam you can not fight, you are wounded, I will not lose a child today" father orders and tuns to leave.

"Please let me come sir! She's my best friend, I cant lose her" Lo'ak begs.

"No" father hisses and climbs onto his skimwing.

He starts to ride out and I turn to Lo'ak.

"Help me up now" I demand.

"No bro, you're hurt, I will go" Lo'ak insists and starts to climb off the rock.

"Lo'ak" I say.

"You cant top me Neteyam" he says.

"Save her" I finish.

He smiles and rides away.

"I know, I messed up, I know its my fault okay. I think about it everyday. I'm not the perfect son like you Neteyam!" Lo'ak hisses.

Before I can even reply Aonung steps forward and punches Lo'ak.

"That's for y/n" he hisses.

I'm angry at Lo'ak but no one touches my family.

"Watch it" I shove Aonung.

"I thought you were meant to love her huh? You have visited her once. Lo'ak has been here more than you have" Aonung says angrily.

"I do love her, dont try to tell me otherwise" I hiss and shove him hard.

He hisses back and launches at me sending me falling to the floor. He tries to punch me but I catch his first and throw him off me and as he gets up I knee him. He punches me in the face then Rotxo runs over from the bridge and tries to push me off Aonung so I push him too. Lo'ak joins in and we are having a full fight. Tsireya is begging us to stop.

"Stop guys, Stop it!" she cries.

"What are you doing?!" we hear someone shout so we stop.

We turn to see father standing there with Tonowari.

"Y/n would not want you to be acting like this!" father says.

We all look down in shame.

"She definitely wouldn't, she loved you all" Tonowari adds.

"Boys lets go. Now" father orders so me and Lo'ak follow.

Aonung and Rotxo follow Tonowari into the other hut.

"Why are you fighting!" he says when we get to our hut.

We look at each other then back to the floor.

"Neteyam blames me for y/n sir" Lo'ak says with a broken voice.

Mother gasps.

"Netayamu!" she says.

"Listen here both of you, y/n's death is no ones fault other than the sky peoples" father says.

"She would be heartbroken is she knew you guys were fighting" mother adds.

"This is a time where you need to be there for each other, i've heard everyone is struggling, you all need to be there" father says.

"I'm sorry Lo'ak, I know y/n and you were close an it was unfair of me to blame you, i'm just angry" I say.

"I'm sorry too bro" Lo'ak says and he hugs me.

We head out the hut to find the others.

They're in a group on the beach and we walk over, none of us say anything. We all just close in and have a group hug. There is various sniffles and cries between us.

"Lets have a bonfire for y/n, she loved them" Tsireya suggests.

We all nod and collect some wood.

The fires burning and we are all staring at the dancing flames.

"Hey, do you guys remember the time we were racing and y/n fell off her ilu and basically kissed that fish" Rotxo laughs.

We all laugh and nod.

"What about that time when we were playing wink sinker and Neteyam caught y/n as the sinker and she was so mad" Tsireya adds.

"She hated losing! Especially to me" Lo'ak laughs and we all join in.

"Do you remember when we were playing spin the bottle that one time and she got Ciyara and kissed her and left us all gobsmacked" Kiri laughs.

"And Lo'ak!" Aonung laughs.

"And Neteyam" Tsireya adds but trails off.

The laughter died down and everyone looks at me.

"That was our first kiss in front of anyone I think" I add.

"She really loved you Neteyam" Tsireya says and grabs my hand.

I smile at her "Yeah I love her too"

"Who remembers when norm left us that camera and we were taking photos and she shouted at lo'ak smile skxawng" I add to the memories.

"She was so funny!" Kiri laughs.

"Lets take a photo of us all to send to eywa with her, so she will have us with her forever" Lo'ak suggests.

Tsireya lets out a small cry "Thats a beautiful idea Lo'ak"

He runs off to get the camera and runs back. We all group up and ask a passing na'vi to take it for us.

"Smile Skxawng" I say mimicking y/n.

Everyone laughs as the na'vi takes the photo and he passes it back to us. We thank him and look at the photo. We're all mid laugh but it's perfect. Just how y/n would want to remember us.

We all head to our huts for the night.

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