Chapter 28

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"Ahhh get off me!" Tuk screams.

We all get grabbed from behind and pushed down to our knees. "Look what we found here Colonell! A bunch of na'vi kids" one of the na'vi say but he is wearing clothes. I remember him from the ship. And it looks like they remember me.

"Well hello sweetheart, pleased to see us again?" one of the na'vi say.

The colonel appears and comes up to me and slaps me round the face. "That's for escaping"

Lo'ak shouts at him "Leave her alone dick!"

The colonel laughs and approaches Lo'ak "You don't look the same as her, you're one of his aren't you" he says with excited eyes.

"Sorry I don't speak to bitches" Lo'ak replies in Na'vi. I laugh.

"Show me your fingers boy!" he says.

Lo'ak ignores him and the na'vi holding Lo'ak pulls his head back by his braids. Lo'ak hisses at him.

"Show me your fingers" the colonel repeats and Lo'ak ignores him again.

The colonel walks back to me and tells the na'vi holding me to hold a knife to my throat. He does as he is told and holds the cold steel to my neck.

"I won't ask again boy, show me your fingers!" colonel shouts.

Lo'ak flips him off with his 5 fingered hand.

"You're his alright" the colonel smirks.

*Neteyam POV*

Me and father walk to the hut to prepare for our weekly flying perimeter check, we haven't done it in ages, I thought we finally stopped them. I guess not. We fly round the village and check everything is okay and mother joins us today. I must say I have missed flying.

"Dad do you copy?" we all hear in our earpieces. It's Lo'ak.

"Yes Lo'ak I copy" dad says.

"We are on a island quite far away from the village, its west of the three brother rocks. There are some strange na'vi here. They look like us but are wearing clothes" Lo'ak says.

Me, mother and father look at each other in a panic. Sky people.

"Who is with you?"  father asks.


Don't say it


Don't say it



"Lo'ak!" dad hisses.

"And Tuk" Lo'ak adds.

Mother gasps and father looks concerned and angry "What the...!"

"Hide for now I am on my way" father says and disconnects.

"What was he thinking taking them far out!" dad hisses.

"Especially Tuk and y/n! The chiefs daughter that allowed us a home here!"

"We need to find them my Jake" mother says panicked.

"Come I think I know the way!" I say and start riding towards the rocks, that is where I saw Lo'ak and y/n with Payakan.

We get closer and see the rocks but where is the island? We look round and I see an island west of the rocks in the distance we swoop down and jump into the water so the Ikran are not seen. We swim to the shore where I see y/n's ilu waiting.

"Wait here Neteyam" father says.

"But father I need to help, I am a warrior like you!" I plead, I need to make sure she is okay!

"Neteyam stay here, that's an order!" dad hisses and I turn round in frustration. I pet y/n's ilu and wait for them.

It's been around 10 minutes and the island is still so silent. Something must be wrong. I head into the trees to look for everyone.

*Y/n POV*

"We found something, we're coming back now" colonel says to someone.

The navi start to shove us round and drag us in the direction of the ship. We all struggle then...

"Awoop" our ears prick up. What is that?

"Awoop" again.

Lo'ak and Kiri and Tuk look at each other wide eyed.


"Awoop" Lo'ak nods to Kiri and she nods to Tuk.

An arrow shoots at the na'vi holding me and just misses my head but hits him. I look at Lo'ak shocked and he shouts "GO!"

They all bite the na'vi holding them and they all let go. We all run. Me and Lo'ak go one direction and Kiri and Tuk the other way.

We weave through the trees and a few na'vi run after us. We get separated and run opposite ways. They all go after Lo'ak but two. They follow me. I hide behind a large tree.

Jake appears and stabs one of the na'vi and the other notices and goes to stab Jake but an arrow goes into his chest before he can. I look in the direction of the arrow and see Neteyam standing there with my mothers bow. I run to him and half way I notice a na'vi aiming his gun at Neteyam. "Neteyam!" I shout and Jake jumps at Neteyam pushing him out the way. Neytiri shoots the na'vi with an arrow. I run to them and Jake takes me and Neteyam into his arms.

Jake and Neytiri run to find the others.

"Y/n!" Neteyam says before grabbing me.

"What were you thinking! You could have died! I could have lost you!" in a cloud of emotions he smashes his lips to mine over and over again.

We hear a shout in the distance. Lo'ak.

We run in the direction of his shout and see Lo'ak hanging from a tree with two na'vi trying to climb to him. Neteyam aims his bow and takes out the one na'vi and I run and jump on the others back.  He throws me back sending me into a large rock nearby. Oww my head.

"Y/n!" Lo'ak and Neteyam shout. Neteyam shoots the other na'vi and they run to me. Lo'ak picks me up bridal style while Neteyam looks out for more sky people na'vi. We see na'vi run to their boat and it starts to shoot away. "Spider?" Lo'ak says to himself.

'Who's spider?' I think to myself.

"Father!" Neteyam shouts as we reunite with the others. Lo'ak places me onto a rock and sits next to me with him arm round me.

"Is everyone okay?" Jake asks.

We are all here. Everyone nods and then they all look at me.

"What?" I ask.

Neteyam kneels in front of me and wipes my head. Blood. Damn rock.

"We need to get back now" he says.

"I'm fine" I say and stand up a little unsteady but i'm fine after a minute.

We all walk to the shore where the Ikran and ilu's are.

Neteyam insists we ride together so we both get on my ilu. I grab my mothers bow from him and hold it in my arms. I let our a silent tear as we head back.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu