Chapter 68

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"Do you know you're pregnant?" he says

Everything freezes.

"I... i'm what?" I stutter.

"Yeah i'd say about a week roughly" he says moving the machine across my stomach.

I sit up and stare at the hut walls.

"Here" he says handing me a black and white photo that comes out the machine. He points out the tiny bean shape in the middle of the blurry photo.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yes one hundred percent" he says.

"But.." I start but Neteyam walks in.

"Everything okay?" he smiles walking over.

I hide the photo under my leg and smile "Yeah all good, just finishing up, i'll be out in a minute"

"Okay" he smiles and walks back out.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Norm whispers.

"Because i'm still in shock, what if he doesn't want this!" I say pointing at the picture.

"He loves you y/n, everything will work out" he says.

"Please don't tell anyone Norm" I say grabbing his arm while he packs away the machines.

"Okay I won't" he promises and finishes up.

We walk out the hut and Neteyam, Lo'ak, Aonung, Tsireya, Kiri, Rotxo and Jake are waiting outside for news on my check up, I hide the photo in my side pouch.

"All good" Norm reassures them all with a smile. They all smile back and start walking to the beach.

"Thank you" I whisper to him and he nods.

"I'll be back soon, you need more regular check ups now" he says looking at my stomach.

Is this real?

I need some time to think.

I say bye to Norm and make my way to my hut to grab my mother bow and then head to the training ground to take my mind off this whole situation.

I get there and find Spider trying to use a bow and doing a very bad job of it. I walk towards the area to set up my stuff and he sees me and begins to pack up.

"Relax, you don't need to leave every time you see me, i'm just coming to practise" I say as I grab my arrows from the floor.

I aim the arrow at the dummy and hit it perfect. Spider watches me and then the arrow and looks amazed.

I shoot a couple more arrows and Spider attempts it himself after annoyingly watching me and the arrow misses again.

I sigh "You need to pull the arrow back further and create as much tension as you can, aim just above where you want to hit"

"Oh right yeah sorry" he stutters.

I roll my eyes and go back to shooting my own arrows. He aims the bow again this time he pull sit back with more tension and aims just above the dummy, he lets go and it hits it.

"I did it!" he exclaims in excitement then stops when he see's me watching.

"Not bad sky boy" I say and return back to my own practise.

I run out of arrows so start walking to the dummy to collect them then look back to make sure he's not shooting any arrows. He notices and stops so I can get my arrows I nod as a thanks gesture and make my way back.

"Where did you learn to shoot?" he pipes up.

I look at him for a second then return back to aiming my arrow "Neytiri" and shoot.

That's enough chit chat for one day. I start packing up and collecting my arrows ready to leave. I turn round to leave and Spider says "Thanks for the tips" I stop then I continue to walk away and say nothing.

I walk along the beach to get to the hut and look down at my arrows, they seem quite worn down and i'm not loving the colours anymore. I continue to walk along the beach and I see everyone chilling in the water. I divert towards the tree area of the island to look for feathers to decorate some new bows.

I walk through the trees and collect a variety of blue and teal feathers from the floor and straight pieces of wood for me to carve as well as vine. I sit down when I find the waterfall and dip my feet into the cooling water, I go to grab the knife from my pouch and as I pull it out the photo falls out onto my lap. I pick it up and glide my thumb across the small bean shape on the picture.

"Are you real?" I whisper to myself.

"Y/n?" I hear behind me.

I quickly put the photo back into my pouch and turn round and smile at Lo'ak standing behind me. He sits next to me and smiles back "Who are you talking to?"

"No one, just myself" I smile.

"Are you going loopy? Shall we get Norm back" he jokes.

"Haha, too late for that" I say back.

"What you doing out here alone?" he asks me.

"Im making some new arrows for my bow" I say showing him the feathers.

"Cool, need help?" he asks.

"Sure, if you want" I say and hand him the knife.

He carves the wood pieces into straight sticks with a sharp end and then passes them to me for me to attach the feathers with the vine I collected. We chill for a while and talk about random stuff then we start to lose the light of the day. We finish the last arrow and start walking back to the huts. As we walk I trip over a small rock and Lo'ak catches me mid fall. He pulls me back up and says "Are you okay?" looking at my hand which I placed on my stomach. I move it away and say "Oh, yeah i'm fine" laughing to shrug it off.

We get back to the hut and Lo'ak helps me put the arrows in the hut then says bye. Neteyam isn't back yet so I lay on the rug and chill for a little while. I put my hand to my belly and talk to myself "You're going to be the death of me if i'm already trying to protect you before you're even here"

I pull the picture out my pouch and look at it. They're so little. How is everyone going to react? What shall I do? I put the picture back into the pouch and hang the pouch up with my stuff then lay down. I watch the appearing stars while I wait for Neteyam and fall asleep.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя