Chapter 72

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I wake up feeling well rested today. I definitely needed that chilled out afternoon yesterday. I roll over to see Neteyam gone. Strange.

I get up and get ready for the day. Neteyam walks in after a while with a smile on his face. He walks over to me and picks me up by the waist and turns me round making me laugh.

"Whats got you in such a good mood" I ask him as he puts me down.

"We're going on a day trip" he says smiling.

"Where?" I ask him.

"You'll find out" he says standing in front of me with a hand on my stomach.

"Okay do I need anything?" I ask him.

"Nope just your cute ass self" he says kissing me.

I laugh and he leads me out the hut. He grabs my hand and we walk along the beach towards the training area. We get there and he walks over to his ikran and connects his tsaheylu, he holds out his hand to pull me up and I sit behind him. I wrap my arms round his waist and put my head on his shoulder.

We ride for a while and after an hour or two I look down and no longer see the water. He starts to move the ikran in a diagonal direction and we finally land on a grassy area. He jumps down and grabs my waist to help me down. I land on the floor and my feet feel weird against the green shards of grass. We don't have grass at the village, a few trees and flowers but not grass.

"Where are we my Neteyam?"I ask him.

"This is where I am from" he says looking at the environment smiling.

"I've seen where you come from, I thought it was only fair you got to see where i'm from" he adds on.

"It's beautiful" I gasp.

"I'll show you round" he says and grabs my hand leading me into the forest. He leads me through the trees and small animals climb through them watching me and Neteyam. We get to a small water stream and a nearby tree with a flat centre and he says to me "This is where I grew up before the war"

"Wow, it's so different to the village at home" I say loosening his hand and exploring the area round us.

"Come" he says and starts walking another direction so I follow him. We get to an area that is overgrown and looks like no one has been here for ages.

"This is what we call the old battlefield, this is where my father and the colonel originally fought and my mother killed his human body" Neteyam explains.

I walk towards the area and look round, there's arrows still in the trees with Neytiris signature feathers and a huge metal lump on the floor. I walk over to it and see a skeleton without a head in the machine. I look round at the flowers round us and the trees swishing in the calming wind. I turn and look at the huge metal container near us. Neteyam grabs my hand and leads me to the container. We climb in through the window and inside is loads of sky people machines and tech.

"This bed is where my fathers human body would lay and transfer him to his avatar body, Kiri's mother also used them and Norm. Norm still does but my father travelled through the eye of eywa to transfer into his avatar body for good" Neteyam explains to me.

I walk round the container and see a black flat screen in front of me. I touch it and a video of three sky people come up.

"That's my father, Grace, kiri's mother and Norm" he says.

"This is all so interesting my Neteyam" I say in awe as I look round us.

"There's somewhere else i want to show you" he says and leads me out the container.

We walk through the forest and I analyse each thing we walk past. We walk past Lilly pad looking plants and I touch one but it glows and starts to float in the win and circles round us. I touch more and they all fly round us. Me and Neteyam look at them smiling in awe. He leads me through the forest more and we notice white floating looking flowers? They surround us and Neteyam says "They're from the home tree"

"They're beautiful" I say as one lands on my arm.

"You're beautiful" Neteyam says and pulls me over to him.

I giggle and he smiles and leans in for a kiss.


I kiss him back and he wraps his arms round the bottom go my back and rests his hands on my butt. I wrap my arms round heck and tangle my hands in his braids as he deepens the kiss. He kneels down and pulls me down with him and lifts me onto his lap. Our Tsaheylus connect and I trace every muscle on his chest with my fingers. He breaks the kiss and starts to trail kisses down my neck making sure not to leave an inch unkissed. He starts to trail them down my body and his hands explore my chest. I pull his face back up to mine and kiss him again. I feel him hardening against me. I trail my hand down his chest and abs all the way down to his aching muscle. I slip my hands down and reveal the muscle. He moves his hands and slides my bottoms to the side. I lift myself up and slide onto the muscle making us both moan/groan in pleasure. Neteyam takes control and makes sure I enjoy every minute. A growing pleasure build up inside me and then finally the knot unravels and Neteyam groans in pleasure too. We melt into each other and I kiss him and look into his beautiful golden eyes.

We lay down on the grass and take in the beautiful environment around us.

"What do you think they will be? Boy or girl?" Neteyam asks looking at me.

"I don't know, I've always wanted a girl but I don't mind whatever we have as long as they're happy and you are happy" I say to him.

He smiles and pecks me again.

"I love you so much y/n, thank you for blessing my life" he says to me pulling me closer.

"I love you too" I say smiling.

We lay there talking for a while then Neteyam says its getting late so we get up and he leads me back to the Ikran. We fly back to the village and by the time we get back its dark. We land the Ikran and walk back to the hut, everyone else is already in bed and we make our way to ours. We lay down when we get to the hut and I say to him "I've loved today, thank you"

"I've loved showing you" he smiles.

We star gaze and fall asleep.

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora