Chapter 82

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I wake up and look over to Neteyam still sleeping peacefully. I get loose from his grip and he stirs but stays asleep. I slowly lift up and walk out the hut quietly ensuring I don't wake him up. The weather is beautiful today. I walk from the hut to the beach and walk along the warm sand as the sun rises into the sky. Various shades of orange and pink fill the sky and blue starts to slowly appear. I am so lucky to live in such a beautiful world. I kick the sand as I walk and create small sand clouds as the sand flies through the air. I look at the glistening water as ilus dive in and out of the water playing with each other and it brings a tear to my eye. I miss my girl. 

"Hey y/n" I hear ahead of me and I look forward and see Rowari. 

I smile and say "Hey" back. 

"Long time no see, do you mind?" he smiles and holds an arm out as a gesture to join me walking. 

"No, of course" I smile and he walks alongside me. 

"How are things going?" he asks me. 

"Good, really good. Baby is healthy, I am healthy, I am happy" I smile. 

"I'm so glad to hear" he says as we walk. 

"Mind if we sit? My feet are aching" I laugh as I approach the edge of the trees and sit down. 

He laughs and sits in front of me. 

"How are things with you? I heard about Kinthi" I say nudging him and he laughs. 

Rowari and a girl named Kinthi have been getting quite close lately, not many people know, its a lowkey thing at the minute.

"We're good, I'm very happy when i'm with her and I think she may be the one" he confesses to me. 

I smile and grab his hand squeezing it "Im so happy for you Rowari, truly"

He smiles and says "Who knew this is where we would be right now all those years ago, you're expecting a baby with a forest boy! I think I've found my mate!"

"I know its crazy isn't it" I say smiling then let go of his hand and place it on my belly. 

"I thought it would be us all those years ago, its crazy how things plan out and change how they're meant to" he says chuckling. 

"Exactly, everything happens for a reason" I smile and he smiles back. 

"You know, if you truly feel she is the one, ask her how she feels and if she feels the same, then you can become mates officially" I laugh and nudge him. 

"You know what, I will" he laughs and stands up then grabs my hands and helps me up too. 

"Thanks y/n" he smiles and hugs me and I hug him back, I place my hands on his arms and say "Im proud of us" smiling. 

"Me too, wish me luck" he says and walks off to find Kinthi. 

I smile as he walks off and begin to walk back to the shore to walk in the shallow water and Neteyam appears as I get to the water. I smile as he approaches but he looks annoyed. 

*Neteyam POV*

I slowly open my eyes and feel an empty feeling when I see y/n isnt by my side. I get up and look round the hut but she's gone, must have gone for a walk. I walk out the hut and along the water keeping an eye out for her. After about 5 minutes I notice someone sitting with their back to me and its Rowari. I get closer and see y/n sitting in front of him. I begin to walk closer then I see y/n nudge him laughing. 

I slow down a little then she grabs his hand and is smiling at him. Surely not?

I come to a halt and go to the side where they can't see me. They stand up after a few minutes and they hug. Friends hug. Then y/n grabs his arms and looks at him deeply and is smiling. The intrusive thoughts win and I cant help but feel annoyed at what im seeing. Rowari leaves and y/n goes to the water to walk. 

I walk over to her and she smiles but I cant help but feel annoyed.


"What was that?" he asks me irritated. 

"What?" I ask confused. 

"Do I look stupid y/n? I saw you with him, holding hands, hugging" he says getting more agitated. 

"Wait? Rowari?" I ask shocked. 

Neteyam nods sassily and bounces as he paces back and forwards. 

"Neteyam, I was just talking to him" I say. 

"No, I saw you guys, you were hugging, you were holding his hands" he says through gritted teeth. 

"Neteyam are you being serious right now?!" I argue back and he stops pacing and looks taken back at my sudden outburst. 

"We are mated, we are having a baby!" I say holding my stomach. 

"You think after all we have been through and experienced I would just do something like that?!" I say getting angry. 

He opens his mouth to say something but I stop him. 

"No! Let me finish! I was talking to Rowari about someone he is interested in. Not that I should have to tell you every conversation I have with any boy. You should have more trust in me than this" I say as my eyes fill with tears of anger and upset. 

"Y/n... i.." he starts. 

"I don't want to hear it, leave me alone" I say and start to walk away. 

"Y/n!" he follows. 

"Stop" I hiss and continue to walk. 

I dive into the water and swim on my own since the accident to my cave. 

I get to the cave and vent to Toruk about what happened and feel hurt more than anything that Neteyam thought I would something like that. Im carrying his baby for eywa sake. I lay on the sand and look up at the darkening sky and fall asleep with Toruk. 

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