Chapter 26

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I wake up with the weirdest urge to see Neteyam again. 

I get up and make my way to the beach for a morning walk. After about 20 minutes someone runs up and taps my arm. It's Rowari. 

"Morning gorgeous how are you?" he smiles.

I smile back and reply "I'm good thanks are you?"

"Much better now" he says. 

"Listen y/n, i'm sorry for the other week. I didn't mean to upset you" he says.

"It's fine, it's in the past now" I reply. 

"If i'm being honest y/n i've really missed you these past weeks since that night. I've seen you with .... them. But you've not really spoken to me" he says.

"Look Rowari, I am very close with the Sully's they are like family to me and like I said before, some things have changed and they are part of my life now whether you like it or not" I say.

"I understand, but i'd like if we could go back to how we were before. Before I left even. Back when we thought we would be mates..." he replies.

I sigh "Rowari, you have been my best friend for as long as I remember, but that is all this is. Friends" I say slowly.

"Oh. What changed?" he asks annoyed.

I immediately think of Neteyam. Rowari notices me in thought and says "It's them isn't it" I don't reply. 

He walks away silently and I don't see him again for the rest of the day. 

I'm chilling on the shore for a while looking out at the water glistening under the sunlight. Then I hear snickers and footsteps behind me. 

"Well if it isn't the outcast" one of the boys say. It's Rowari's friend group being led by a na'vi called Polkin.

"Leave me alone " I say back to him and they all laugh. 

"Don't speak to me like that freak" he says coldly. 

I stand up and begin to walk away. He grabs my tail and pulls me back.

"Don't touch me!" I shout. 

"Oh yeah what you gonna do about it huh? Call mommy and daddy? Oh wait. I forgot. They're dead" he says.

I turn round and slap him with all my strength. 

"You little..." he starts as he storms at me. 

Neteyam and Lo'ak appear from the trees and run in front of me hissing at the group. 

"Oh look, the forest freaks are here" he says laughing to his friends. 

"Leave her alone fish lips" Lo'ak says. 

"Yeah leave her alone. Now" Neteyam adds.

"Aww looks like the outcast finally has some friends" Polkin says laughing. 

Lo'ak lunges at him and punches him. "Don't talk about her like that!"

They all start to gang up on Lo'ak. Neteyam joins in and pulls them off Lo'ak one by one kicking and punching them to the ground. Not gonna lie, he looks hot. 

I shout for them to stop but they all keep going. I sigh, I start walking to the group and try pulling the boys off each other. One of Rowari's friends shoves me away from him sending me back and in front of Lo'ak. Before he can stop himself Polkin punches me instead of Lo'ak causing me to fall to the sand. They all gasp.

"What the fuck is going on!" I hear in a ringing tone. Was that Rowari? 

"She appeared out of nowhere! I swear I didn't mean to!" Polkin says. 

Neteyam appears in my view and looks worried. "Y/n are you okay?!"

Rowari appears in view and says "What have you done Polkin!" 

Neteyam picks me up bridal style and walks away with me. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Rowari says.

"Im taking her away from all of you" he says coldly and continues walking. Lo'ak follows. 

He takes me to my hut where he places me down and looks for something Norm left. He said it's called an 'icepack' he places it to my eye and it's soo cold. Lo'ak goes to find my father and siblings. Neteyam is looking at me worried. 

"I'm fine Neteyam" I reassure him. 

"Why were they even picking on you!" he says angrily. 

"I think Rowari told him about our conversation earlier" I say.

"What conversation?" Neteyam asks. 

"Rowari basically said he wanted to go back to being super close again, like mate close and I said I don't see him as anything other than a friend" I explain.

Neteyam smirks "Why did you tell him that?" 

"I don't want a mate. They're too much trouble" I say in a serious tone. 

He looks shocked. 

I laugh and say "I'm joking! You know the reason!"

He laughs aswell and smiles at me. 

My laugh stops and my smile drops as I think about what Polkin was saying about me. About my parents. 

"What's wrong?" he asks me confused. 

"He said a lot of bad things about me and my real parents" I say sadly. 

Neteyam pulls me into him and hugs me. "They would be proud of you y/n."

I start to cry. He pulls me away to look into his eyes. 

"Everyone sees me as an outcast Neteyam. A freak. The girl who was left on the beach as a baby" I say. 

"Y/n I see you..." Neteyam says. 

My eyes widen and I am lost for words. 

My father storm in and looks at me "Who did this?!" 

"Boys who did this to my daughter?!" 

"It was Polkin and his group. We tried to stick up for y/n but she got hurt" Lo'ak says. 

Neteyam looks angry and tenses just at the mention of his name. I hold his arm and he relaxes again. 

"They will be dealt with. Are you okay my daughter?" Father asks me. I nod. 

Tsireya and Aonung appear shortly after and ask what happened. Neteyam fills them in and Aonung storms out the hut to find the group and Lo'ak and Neteyam follows to stop him. 

Tsireya and me are left in the hut. "Neteyam seems very angry" she smirks. 

"We are very.... close" I say suspiciously. 

She looks at me with wide eyes and gasps. 

"Are you seeing each other then officially?"

"No we are taking it slow and letting it take a natural route.. I think. We've not really discussed it but if I decide he is who I want to be my mate I want to be sure first" I say.

She smiles and we both turn as the boys re enter the hut. We all chill in the hut for the rest of the day before heading to sleep. 

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