Chapter 62

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I wake up this morning and I feel good, everything is going well at the minute and I don't think I could be any happier. 

Tsireya rolls over and looks at me. 

"Y/n? Do you feel any different now you have a mate?" she asks me.

"Kind of, my feelings for Neteyam have heightened a lot" I explain.

"I'm so happy for you sister" she says.

I smile and look up to the roof. 

"Shall we go meet up with everyone?" Tsireya suggests.

"Sure" I respond and we both get up and leave the hut. 

We walk to the beach and then walk along the shore. Then we see Aonung and Lo'ak and join them. After a while Kiri and Rotxo join us and then Neteyam shortly after on his own. He walks over with his swinging braids and smiles as he gets closer. 

"Morning" he says to me as he throws an arm round my shoulders. 

"Morning, you seem happy" I say. 

"I've got a reason to be" he smiles and pecks me. 

I smile back and we all have a stroll along the beach. 

"We should have a water game day" Rotxo suggests.

"Im down for that" I say. 

"Me too!" Tsireya says. 

"Lets go" Aonung says and we all dive into the water and swim further out into the water. We get to an open area and bunch up together to discuss what we are doing. 

"Ive got a game idea" Tsireya gasps and starts swimming down. We wait a few minutes before she comes back up. 

"I've hidden my pouch somewhere in the water, you guys need to find it in teams of 2" she says.

Neteyam grabs my arm and claims me as his partner. Rotxo goes with Kiri and Aonung and Lo'ak are a team. 

Tsireya tells us to go and find it so we dive down. Me and Neteyam swim towards a part of the coral reef that is full of various fish pods. We get to the seabed and start to investigate each coral and rock and hole looking for this pouch. We swim past a rock with a hole in and look inside and see a clown fish sleeping with its babies. We smile at each other and continue on to look for the pouch. After about 10 minutes I look to my left and see the pouch attached to an underwater tulip leaf. I tap Neteyam and point to the flower and he smiles, we swim over and get the pouch before going into the flower for some air. 

"We got it!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, good job spotting it" Neteyam says.

"Lets head back up" I say.

"Okay" Neteyam says but swims closer and cups his hand to my cheek and kisses me. I kiss him back and pull away. 

"We've got years to do this, let's go" I laugh.

He laughs too and follows me out the flower and up to the surface. Kiri and Rotxo are back already, they gave up ages ago and Lo'ak and Aonung are still looking. 

"You found it! Well done!" Tsireya says.

"Someone better go find the others, Lo'ak wont stop until he finds it, he's a sore loser" I joke. 

"I'll go" Neteyam and Rotxo say and dive down. 

We wait a few minutes and just have a little gossip before the boys head back up. 

"You definitely cheated!" Lo'ak whines. 

"Cheer up loser" I mock him.

He splashes me so I splash him back and the whole group ends up in a water splash fight. 

Next we play stuck in the water. We do an ilu race to decide who is it first. We all ride and Tsireya is last. She groans and then laughs. We all swim away from her and hide. She finds Kiri and tags her so Kiri stays in her spot stuck. I wait for Tsireya to spot Aonung and she swims after him and I take it as my chance to free Kiri. I swim up and swim beneath her to free her, she signs thank you then swims away. I turn to swim away and Tsireya spots me. She swims after me and catches me. Great. I hate losing.

I stay stuck for a while then Neteyam spots me, he swims up to me and smiles. I roll my eyes and wait expecting him to free me. Instead he swims closer and kisses me. Then he swims under me and frees me but not before brushing his tail against my area. I shoot him dagger and he smiles swimming away. We play for a while then all get tired so head back for a while. 

We get to the shore and I can see father and mother on the bridge looking for something. I look at Tsireya and she shrugs but has a smirk on her face. Weirdo. We walk along the water edge and they spot us and walk towards us. 

"Daughter can we speak to you a minute please" they ask me.

"Sure" I say and start walking away from the group. 

"And you Neteyam" they say.

Shit. Have they changed their mind? Are we in trouble? I look at Neteyam who looks worried himself. The others are following shortly behind. 

We head towards the huts and we stop just before the huts. 

"Now you are mated it means you now get your one hut to live together" mother explains with a smile.

I look at Neteyam in shock and he is also wide eyed. I turn to look at the others and they're all smiling at us. 

"Did you all know?" I asked.

They all nod and laugh. 

Mother and father lead us to an empty hut with a small flower arrangement in the middle as a welcome gift. 

I smile and give mother and father a hug. 

"Thank you" I say.

"Thanks sir" Neteyam says. 

I grab Neteyams hand and lead him into the hut and we look at the place, our place. 

Tsireya comes in "You know what this means, Sleepovers!" she says.

I laugh and nod. 

"it's getting late so you're free to spend the night at home before moving in tomorrow" father says. 

I look at Neteyam and he nods. Everyone leaves us to look round. 

"This doesn't feel real!" I say to him.

"I know, this is ours y/n!" he says and picks me up and spins me round making me giggle. 

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I say.

We exit the hut and say bye for the night for the last time. 

I See You Y/n  | Neteyam x readerWhere stories live. Discover now