Chapter 57

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Everyone gasps.

"Is this true y/n?" Kiri asks me.

I look to Neteyam then Lo'ak then Tsireya.

"You all knew?" Kiri says eyes watering looking at all of us.

"Kiri..." I say.

"Who else knows" she asks coldly.

"Father and Tonowari" Neteyam responds for me.

Kiri just stands up and walks away. Rotxo follows her.

"What the fuck was that" I hiss at Ciara.

"Im just asking what everyone is wondering" she states.

I look round and notice Neteyam is also missing from the group. I leave and look for him. I walk along the beach and see a figure sitting on the bridge, Neteyam.

I walk over and sit next to him, I place my hand on his and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Whats wrong Neteyam?" I ask him.

"Nothing, just taking the last few days in. They've been amazing with you, I just can't help but worry about losing you again" he says.

"I'm here to stay, i'm not going anywhere" I say and plant a kiss on his cheek.

He smiles and says "I hope so"

I smile and stand up dragging him back to the party. I pull him over to dancing na'vi and dance with him. He seems super awkward at first but loosens up as I dance with him. After a while we all get tired and head back home. Neteyam walks me to the hut and gives me a goodbye kiss before heading back to his own hut.

I walk into the hut and lay next to Tsireya before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

*next day*

I open my eyes and look round the hut. Empty.

I get up and walk out the hut to find someone to chill with. I get to the boys hut and they're not here either. I walk along the beach and I cant find any of my friends anywhere. Strange. I guess ill just do some target practise at the training ground with my mothers bow for a while until I can find someone. I walk back to the hut to get the bow and start the lengthy walk to the training ground.

As I get closer I can hear voices. I continue to walk and see na'vi training. I hide in the trees to my right nearby and get a closer look. I see Neteyam, Lo'ak, Jake and father training and Spider is there... Wtf

"Now if you're going to beat the sky people you need to be fast and smart, be one step ahead" Jake is saying.

"They have the weapons but you have the numbers" Spider says.

"What are you doing?!" I say storming from the trees.

"Shit" Lo'ak says as I approach.

"Y/n look we..." Neteyam starts but I cut him off.

"I told you I didn't want to tell you about Miles for this exact reason and look what you're doing!" I say.

"Y/n..." he starts again but I cut him off again.

"No I don't want to hear it" I say and I walk off.

Neteyam and Lo'ak start to follow me but I turn and hiss "Don't bother!"

I walk back towards the beach and see Kiri sitting on the sand alone. I walk past her and wipe a tear from my cheek.

"Y/n?" Kiri says but I continue walking.

She runs after me and stops me.

"Y/n what's wrong?" she asks.

Tsireya sees us from the hut and makes her way over to looking concerned.

"Whats going on?" she asks when she sees my red eyes.

They hook our arms and drag me to the hut.

"Tell us what's wrong" Tsireya says.

"I went to the training ground earlier and when I got there i could hear people. I hid in the trees to see who it was and I saw Jake, father, Lo'ak, Neteyam and.... Spider training to fight the sky people" I say.

"Oh y/n" Tsireya says as her ears drop.

"I don't understand" Kiri says.

"I only told Tsireya about Spider and Miles at first and I said I didn't want to tell anyone else because I was worried. I was worried Lo'ak wouldn't believe me over Spider and that our fathers or Neteyam would go out and try to find Miles for revenge and get hurt or worse killed" I say.

"I'm sorry for not telling you Kiri and that you found out the way you did. I know how you feel for Spider and I didn't want to hurt you by you finding out what he did" I say.

"I feel hurt because you didn't tell me y/n. What Spider has done is wrong and I don't know what to do" Kiri says.

"You know my view on it, and now you know the other reason I would choose Rotxo over Spider, but it's up to you Kiri and what your heart wants" I say.

" I agree with y/n, when you think of the future who do you see?" Tsireya asks.

"Right now Rotxo because I don't know if I could forgive Spider for what he did. He saved a man who tried to kill me, my friends and my family. Well he did kill my friend" Kiri explains.

"Well there's your answer then" Tsireya responds.

Aonung walks into the hut and looks at us all sat down on the floor.

"Neteyam and Lo'ak are looking fo you btw y/n" he says.

I look at the girls and my ears drop.

"I don't want to speak to them" I say.

"Let's go do something then to avoid them" Tsireya suggests.

"We could go to that waterfall y/n?" Kiri says.

I nod and we all walk out the hut. We head straight for the trees and go to the waterfall.

We get there and Tsireya gazes at the sight in awe.

"It's beautiful" she says.

We all go and sit on the rock surrounded pool and dip our feet in and spend the afternoon gossiping and having girl time.

It gets late so we start to head back to the huts, we exit the trees and walk the beach way. We are a few minutes away from our hut and as we turn in the huts direction.

"Y/n!" I hear behind us.

So close...

I continue to walk.

"Y/n please" Neteyam says as he gets closer but I continue to walk.

"Can we talk" he says as he catches up to me.

I look at the girls and give them a nod to carry on without me.

I turn to Neteyam and fold my arms waiting for him to speak.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you what we were doing, I know i've upset you but please speak to me" he says.

"I told you Neteyam. I told you I didn't want to tell anyone about Miles because this would happen and I would lose some or all of you and you did it anyway!" I say harshly.

"Please, you haven't lost any of us" he says pleading.

"Not yet..." I say.

I turn and walk to the hut.

I lay down next to Tsireya and ignore her stare as I go to sleep.

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